
MLM Leads Are Easy to Find, Because Everyone is Your Prospect, Right?

If you are in MLM I am sure you have heard this time and time again. Everyone is your prospect. They all need what you have, so just talk to everyone about the products and the business opportunity. Sure enough you think this is great, it is very easy to get MLM leads.Does this sounds familiar to you? I bet yes.This is what we are told when we get into MLM, any if you are anything like me you would have believed them.This is one of the reasons why 97% of the people who join MLM fail. People are given the wrong information and which I believe is a real tragedy in MLM industry.When you are given a belief that every one is going to get your product or join the business opportunity, and when they have to face the reality people get discouraged and finally quit. People can take so much rejection. I remember going to meetings and trainings where the leaders tell that every time someone tells 'no' to you, you are getting a step closer to a 'yes'. "If you get 10 rejections then you know that the next person you talk to will say yes."What these people do not think is how the new distributor will feel, what happens to his or her self esteem, self belief, and most importantly the waste of physical, psychological and emotional energy.Now, if you are a person who can stomach massive amounts of rejection and you are succeeding in your MLM business, doing this kind of prospecting, by all means go for it.If not, I urge you to read through what I got to say and evaluate your belief.This belief has led to practices like '3 foot rule', prospecting in malls, putting flyers on car windows, prospecting grocery checker, waiters... the list goes on. If you have been in MLM, I am sure you know what I am talking about. These prospecting methods are like second grade methods and majority of the time your results will be second grade too. These methods do not portray a professional image about YOU or your business. People tend to view you as a nuisance!Even if you come across a business minded person who is looking for a business, they will not be very enthusiastic about the way you approach marketing.If you are still of the opinion that 'everyone is your prospect', I am sorry to tell you but it is not true. I hope that what I said above makes some sense to you and you will re-evaluate your beliefs."No one is worth your TIME until they have shown an interest in what you are offering and have ASKED you for more information" - Ann SiegThe thing to remember is that it is not what you think, it is what they think. It is not a good use of your time if you are approaching your MLM business this way. As an independent entrepreneur you need to learn to get the maximum returns possible for your time, energy and money.What you need is to learn how to attract people to you instead of chasing them. This is a subject for another whole article, but the first step is to get rid of the belief that 'it is easy to get MLM leads because everyone is your prospect.' This belief is not going to serve you in the long run if you want to be wildly successful in your MLM business.

