
Do You Have a Subconscious Desire to Win in Your Network Marketing Business?

If you don't know the definition of "winning," how can you ever be a winner in your network marketing business? I would like to share with you 5 ways that people win to help you find out subconsciously what "winning" means to you. After all isn't that what "winning" it is all about...The five (5) ways people win are:1) You Win When You Are Comfortable: This is the person who feels that sense of accomplishment. His primary goal is to go through life as comfortably as possible. He does not function well under pressure. He really do not want to be pushed or challenged.He will always try to avoid conflict. Basically, he just wants to go through life on cruise control. Hanging out with his friends and having a good time! Everything is designed to support his pursuit of comfort. This would probably fit in the category of an employee. Someone who would be more than happy to have a safe, stable, comfortable job.If you challenge this type of person, you could really push a button and look out!2) You Win by Being Liked: This person's primary goal in life is to be liked by others. They want to be popular, and seek acceptance from everyone. This type of person will do just about anything to reach that goal. They would rather be liked, than to be right or wrong.A person like that in a leadership role in business will usually fail. They are not willing to make hard core decisions for fear of upsetting someone. They will try to please everyone all the time. They are motivated by being liked by others.3) You Win By Being Right: This person is usually an expert in a specified area like a doctor or lawyer. This kind of person usually wins by being right they do not accept criticism, and are close minded to new ideas.They reach a glass ceiling when it comes to relationships, money, and their career. They will end relationships, because they cannot accept their short-comings. They find it hard to move past them and achieve personal growth!!! If you debate with this kind of person, you will never win. They will always prove you wrong.This person must always be right.4) You Win By Winning: This person is an achiever. Their primary focus is to win! They are very competitive, and will do whatever it takes to win. They will not yield, and will always stay the course! This is a person who is consistently pushing to have success.Mark Twain said it best; "if you want to be successful, find out where the successful are heading and get their first"! I would describe this person as successful entrepreneurs and athletes. To win is their reward!However, some will compromise their integrity to "win". This type of person does not care if others like him or not. He always welcomes challenge because that is what provides him with new opportunity to win!This is the way I win... I win by winning. I am constantly evaluating and improving myself. I will do whatever it takes, (with integrity), to be the best. Period.!?5) You Win By Losing: This person wins by being a victim. They want sympathy and declare within that it is not possible to win.Living life always filled with problems because they do not win unless they lose. They create circumstances and excuses! The negative mindset that "You can't teach me anything new"..."I don't have the money"..."This is another one of those pyramid schemes"..."I think I will give it a try..."When I was exposed to the ways that people win, I took a long hard look at my life. There are people who are not wealthy because they want to be comfortable. There are people as well, who are not healthy because they want to be comfortable. There are many people who are stuck in the same job because they want to be liked. As well there are people who are "addicted" to struggle because they win by losing.Most likely if you are like me, you see a little of yourself in each of these 5 ways I just described. The most important thing to remember about winning is that, winning is a continuous process. It is over once you have won, and that now becomes an event!As soon as you have "won", the process starts all over again. Now you call that a victory!!!Once I am inspired by a new goal, my whole focus goes back to "winning". This is where I am right now. I do not know where you are at this moment in your life, but I do know that entrepreneurs win by winning. They do whatever it takes to fulfill that subconscious desire.If your subconscious desire is to "win", and win big in networking or your home business, you must have a strong "WHY"! If you have a strong enough "why", your "how to" will become simple! Now ask yourself, why do you really want to win?If you REALLY want to win in this industry, and recognize that you are not where you would like to be in your business I can guarantee you that it is because you haven't' mastered the art of Marketing! You have complete power over what you choose for your future! This could be your chance to reinvent yourself, and begin to win in business.Until you learn how to:a) Build a list. b) Build a relationship with the people on that list. c) Market to that list, you will NEVER get the results you want, no matter how many companies you join.If you want to "win by winning", you must first learn how to MARKET!

