
MLM Strategies - How to Choose the Right One For Your Business

So you've decided to start your own MLM business. Congrats! You've found an awesome company with great product and a fantastic compensation plan. All you have to do now is get the word out and get your business booming. Most companies have marketing materials available, but few tell you how to use them effectively. In order to decide which one is right for you, let's look at 3 of the most popular MLM strategies in use today.1. The Traditional Method. This strategy has stood the test of time and is the preferred method of many successful MLM companies. In this method, you spend a lot of time face-to-face with prospective consumers that are interested in your product and / or your business opportunity. In essence, you call up some friends that may be interested in your product, throw a party at someone's house and make a presentation. If you are a natural salesperson with an outgoing personality and tons of acquaintances, this method may work well for you. In order to keep a funnel full of leads, you must be able to network well and get a new list of prospective customers (leads) at each presentation.2. Internet Marketing Method. The accessibility of the internet has spawned a revolution in the way people market their businesses. Suddenly, we can do business with people across the country as easily as the person next door. Of the MLM strategies being used today, this one is certainly gaining the most popularity because of the ease and scalability of it. In order to use this strategy, you will need a website or blog. You then present your products on your website and then drive traffic to it through various types of internet marketing. Those types include pay-per-click (PPC), article marketing, video marketing, e-mail campaigns, or even print advertising. If you are technically savvy, or maybe don't enjoy face-to-face sales as much, this strategy may be for you.3. Lead System Method. This MLM strategy is a hybrid of the two methods. With a lead system, you get the convenience of a website, but you don't necessarily have to be a web expert to get started. A lead system is typically a replicated site that can be branded to look like your own site. It is much easier to set up than your own site and often has the extra advantage of being able to market affiliate products if you wish. You will still need to learn how to drive traffic to the site, but most of the hard work is done for you, usually for a monthly fee. When done correctly, high-quality leads sign up on an e-mail list, and you can communicate with them via e-mail or phone if you wish. This is a slightly more expensive method, but in the long run, it can save you lots of time and money by attracting only those interested in your product. This strategy is still young, but so far, is turning out to be very effective.Because most MLM companies use only the traditional method, in order to take your business to a higher level, you might want to consider one of the newer strategies. They can teach you new skills, and in the process, open up a whole new world and clientele to you.

