
Network Marketing - Should I Start a Network Marketing Business?

Are you thinking about dipping your toe into the Sea of Network Marketing? In 2009 and 2010, there have been a lot of people really looking at network marketing businesses. Having said that and talking to many network marketers, I have found some of the most basic questions are often not asked before getting started and then, once you commit and invest in your business, the skeletons come flying out of the closet.Now, I am not going to say that this is a complete list, because I could sit for hours interviewing the people wanting me to join their companies, and I could be interested, but most people would take my questions as challenges and they would feel I did not seriously want to get into their business. Now, for those people out there reading this, let me say please do not contact me about your business, because I have my own and I am very happy and I will not get into your business.Now, the reason you are considering a network marketing company is that someone must have shared an idea of a product that you thought was cool. Now, how quick did they stop talking about the product and said, our real product is to make money, and told you how much you could make? First of all, my question is, why did you contact me? Yes, it may be an in your face approach, but I look for honesty, If they say, because I saw that I could make a lot of money and I wanted to help you, it leads to two other questions.... So you want me to spend money and put it into your pocket? Or the second, why do you want me in your business, to get everyone I know to pad your pocket? When making money is the focus, I will tell you that is red flags to me and the only answer to the questions were yes, if not, they are lying to you!Now, if that person did not approach the money aspect with me first, but it was about the benefits the product could provide me, and it really was serious and genuine I will talk more with that person.The biggest lie someone will tell you when entering into a business is "the product is for everyone, who does not want to make money?". Now, once we talk about the product, I want to know the background of the company. Where and when did the company begin and what is the founders' background? Is the company in debt and beyond hope? What is the companies' competition? Competition is not bad, but that leads to why is your product better. I will never sell something that I know does not provide value to people.Once I know the product is good and provides a value and the company is good, that is where I will ask to see the compensation plan. Most uplines will tell you the person is not worth your time, because they ask too many questions, or they will say, I do not know how I make money but I am making really good money. Warning, Warning Will Robinson! Red flags are now fireworks. Some will avoid compensation questions. Now, if they tell you that you make a profit on all the items, and they are working with a traditional business and it is not a product they develop and they sell for someone else, know that you only make a percentage on the mark up. If they tell you that it is all about getting more people in and you make a percentage by (without them saying it) suckering people into the business to sell it, and the focus on getting reps into the business, you can pretty much discount everything they have said. I will tell you that in 100% of the companies I have worked with, you will not be paid on the actual company costs that register the business. Now, a lot of companies will add their products in a kit, and yes, you make money on those items only. What you will be compensated for is you getting a customer, and a rep can also be a customer, to take products off the company shelves and consume the products. No consumption of a product as a customer, you will always make ZERO!What I look for is someone to be upfront and honest with me. If they do not know, I will get you the answer is the best answer. I will not work for someone who is not honest. I want someone ethical like I am. Do you want to give someone your money you cannot trust? Remember, this interview or conversation with the company is your chance to interview them, and they are interviewing you (Actually, only question their interview contains is how you will be paying to get started.). Remember, not everyone is your customer and if they are not a customer, do them a favor and tell them that you know that the product is not for them and they have to be passionate about it, and you do not want them to feel you deceived them, when you are the rep they are talking to. If they still want to come in, they have no reason to get upset with you, because you told them it was not for them. But let us get back to you are the one being interviewed! Who is the team you will be working with? What are their qualifications? How has the product made a difference for them? Where will you get your contacts? If it is friends and family... run, because they are living in the 1960s. If they tell you they will sell you opportunity seeking leads, this is where they are talking to people the product may not help. You want to profile your customers and if they do not teach you how to do that, then you will need to get help from people that train network marketers.The last area of focus and we will wrap up, what is the training? Can you attend a couple? Now, what I watch is, is it a rah rah session of people saying they made money, or are they outlining proven and strategic plans you can use to build your business! Now, if they say talk to everyone, no they do not have vision. They should be talking about ways to target clients and how to get people who really want and need the product. How your product beats the competition, and facts you can build your business marketing plan around. If they do not have this, I would find someone who will be your mentor and trainer that does. If they work with many networking companies and they have results to share, I would add that to business tools and pay for your one and only employee to take the training. It is well worth it.Also, find an accountant that can save you money, but as you interview them, are they making the money you want to make. Find a legal advisor to advise you on when it comes to business. Find someone helping other small businesses.Yes, network marketing is a great industry, but it is an investment and a business that will require money and work. Yes you can be successful and limit the amount of time and money it takes, but you have to start now, making the best decisions you can as a business owner or prospective business owner.

