
Young Living Starts Life Oils

When D. Gary Young planted his first batch of herbs and botanical plants, he had no idea that this would become a multimillion dollar business, nor that he would be known world wide through an Affiliate program. Even though there are many Essential Oils from various businesses, most companies acquire their products from the big growers. However, now the largest grower, Young Living, has 1,800 acres containing greenhouses with 70,000 square feet split between locations in Ecuador, France, Utah, and Idaho.Furthermore, Young Living cultivates, distills, and processes pure natural product by utilizing low-pressure and low-temperature steam style distilling in stainless steal designed by founder D. Gary Young. D. Gary Young is a Doctorates Degree in aroma therapy, and he has learned the native language in Ecuador to better communicate. Through experimentation, he has discovered how to combine particular oils to produce healing affects for various health issues. Some oils calm nerves, help with rashes, give energy, block negativity, cease headaches, and end pain. While other oils when diffused can bring joy to a room filled with tension, and one oil has actually unlocked a door with a jammed tumbler.Because the company had grown so large, D. Gary Young knew he needed help, as he could not over-see the main cultivating, distilling, processing of the herbs and botanical plants, nor could he arrange the time to experiment on what combinations could help with ailments while also trying to market his product. So he decided to hire a few salesmen/women, but soon they too had become overwhelmed by the rate of sales. Thus, D. Gary Young finally allowed his original sales staff to branch-out to create an Essential Oils Affiliate Program. He currently has extended his distributing world wide through an astounding 125,000 affiliates following a new style of compensation plan.Once again, D. Gary Young had designed his own compensation plan, as he did not like how most multilevel marketing compensation plans were structured with other companies. D. Gary Young decided a wide then deep down-line business associates plan would be more effective, whereas most companies believe in first creating a narrow and deep down-line of business associates. This type of plan would allow the distributor/affiliate to earn money quicker. The distributor/affiliate is required to purchase a set amount per month while maintaining monthly Auto-shipment of products before earning a commission from their own order and those business associates they brought into the company. However, if the distributor/affiliate does not maintain the purchase set amount of product on Auto-ship for themselves, they earn absolutely nothing because down-line associates will follow the leader, whether a good or bad example is set. This plan insures that excellent leaders will stay with the company.Additionally, information provided about essential oils and their uses is not to be used to diagnose any health issue; therefore, it is strongly recommended to see a qualified physician for a complete diagnosis.

