
Network Marketing Business Model

Many people when they hear network marketing run as fast as they can, but the business model is one of the most effective at creating wealth we've ever seen. It truly is a powerful way to make as much money as you desire, given you're willing to put the work in, to achieve it.Network marketing is something we do all day, every day, but we just don't get paid for it. Do you ever tell a friend or family member about a good movie you watched? That's referral (network marketing). How about a good restaurant? Maybe a service you used at your home. That is all in the same group of networking for products and services.One of the biggest hurdles people need to get over is that it's not a pyramid scheme. In many compensation plans, you can make more than the person above you if you work smarter, and work harder. I've seen it firsthand. And a pyramid scheme involves only people, not product. When you have people (distributors) and product moving through the business, it is completely legal and ethical.If network marketing wasn't a legitimate business model, why then, would the most celebrated investor of all time in our country by a company that is in this business? That's a fact! Warren Buffett bought an MLM company, so that tells you it is a very good business model.One thing I really like is getting out of the trap of "trading your time for money". Most, if not all of the jobs are this way. You ONLY get paid when you work. There is an immediate ceiling to your income potential. In network marketing, you get to leverage off the efforts of others (sometimes thousands), and they too...do the same thing. This creates residual income that doesn't stop unless you completely stop coaching and being involved.Think of Bill Gates. He has 70,000+ employees and is the richest man on the planet. He is leverage off the efforts of many others. That is the very same thing network marketing does, but normal people like you and me can do it.

