
3 Ways to Make Extra Money in Network Marketing

In this article we want to go over three ideas on how to make extra money in network marketing. Understand that there are many network marketing programs you can join today. We won't specifically address any program in this article, but rather the concepts behind these ideas for you to look closer at.1. Sell a product that people use up and buy again. Amway was so successful because the business was built around basic commodity items. These were products people used on a regular basis and always needed to reorder. Today there are many MLM programs offering products like this.Certainly nutritional supplements are very big in network marketing opportunities. Established companies such as Amway and others continue to thrive thanks to the Internet. The best opportunities with basic commodity items are products that you can get behind and feel good about as a distributor yourself. Avon, Tupperware, Shaklee and many others come to mind.2. Sell domain names. There is a huge need for domain names and it will only continue to increase. There are MLM opportunities promoting opportunities selling domain names. This is a great business because it can be done worldwide because there is no shipping involved. Although it is a low cost product, you can quickly make up for that by moving a high volume.When you are dealing with Internet based products like this recruiting distributors is easier. You can really use the Internet to sort through prospects and then follow up with. This type of product is not difficult to understand so virtually anyone can make money with it.3. Sell Internet marketing training memberships. You see all kinds of membership sites in various types of Internet marketing. Affiliate marketing is good example of this. You sell memberships and get paid whenever people renew them. You can also build a down line of people and earn money when they sell memberships.There are hybrid programs that combine network marketing and affiliate marketing to create unique opportunities. These are good to get involved in because it gives you a wider range of things to offer both to your customers and to your personal recruits.In summary these are three ideas on how to make extra money in network marketing. You need a personal belief in the products that you are selling. You also need a basic understanding of how to use the Internet to enroll and train new distributors. Network marketing is a perfect business model to use the Internet to make extra money and you can make a lot of money doing it.

