
Network Marketing and Home Based Business - A Profession to Take Pride In

Can you recall the various phrases and reactions which you have observed to be associated with the business profession commonly referred to as network marketing or multi-level marketing? They might have been the very same attributes you once attached to the profession. Do the terms "pyramid" or "scam" or "get rich quick scheme" ring a bell? Can you picture a friend's eyes rolling with a dismissive comment such as, "oh no you're not doing that?" or "you'll never see that money again." Let's for a moment try to comprehend just what exactly network marketing is.Right away we can establish that it is a perfectly legal, legitimate, and accepted means of conducting commerce. Product is transferred from producer to the hands of the consumer no different than any purchase you might make on a daily basis. What is different is the pathway and means with which the product reaches the consumer. To comprehend the intricacies of network marketing you must first understand its very simplistic nature, specifically the fact that before reaching the consumer there are a mere one or two parties that the product passes through, producer/manufacturer and the distributor or the direct marketer.The producer is a company which researches, develops, considers risks, and makes the decision to bring a product to market that they feel will bring a return on investment. The traditional means everyone is familiar with is a product being produced and appearing on the shelves in a retail location for sale. The network marketing company chooses a different pathway. First of all they need to have sufficient confidence that their product has the potential to reap a large profit. The reasons for that are as follows. In choosing direct marketers or distributors as their sole means of bringing product to market they are choosing to bypass all the very expensive and popular traditional means of marketing and instead relying on the persevering word of mouth work ethic of their distributors. Additional cost savings come from not having to ship to countless retail locations but instead shipping directly from the point of production to the hands of the purchaser.The distributor or direct marketer is the work horse of a network marketing company. He or she comes with no requisite qualifications but instead relies on tenacious perseverance limited only by the time and effort they wish to put into, what in effect, is their very own business. With the fruit of their labor comes a predetermined attached value to their efforts given in the form of a graduated commissions schedule based on the product volume sales owed to them. Contrary to what naysayers all too often might stereotype as 'sitting around getting rich while others do the work for you,' that is anything but the truth. If a distributor does not produce sales volume then that distributor does not get paid. It's that plain and simple.Let's give a final word or two to those with disparaging opinions of network marketing. Like any other profession in America, network marketers pay taxes too allowing the government to spend a portion of what they have rightfully earned in whatever creatively 'necessary' way they see fit. Network marketing creates wealth and opportunity for those who succeed, therefore allowing participation in other everyday commercial and retail transactions fueling the overall general economic activity of the country. Lastly, and again like any other profession, network marketing puts people to work free to pursue their dreams and happiness and to better both their own lives and their family's lives.

