
iLearning Global Shut It's Doors I Was Shocked!

Yesterday evening I received an e-mail instructing me to get on an emergency webinar, not knowing what is was all about, I did and to my shock, I learned that iLearning Global had shut its doors on the network marketing side. I could not believe it; I sat there in total disbelief because I know people who had just made the decision to join the company and did.iLearning Global in my opinion was a company that people look for because its business model is personal development and if you are really into that this would have been perfect. We all know that in order for you to succeed in any business you have to develop yourself and this was the platform to do it.This has really saddened me because so many people who trusted their sponsors and believed in the company and the people who were making huge incomes like 5-6 figures a month have just had the rug pulled out from under them. Can you imagine, one day you have money coming in that you thought would keep coming and then next day it is all gone just like that?I do not know about you but I would be devastated as I am sure a lot of the reps in iLearning Global are today. Hopefully after the initial shock has worn off they can sit down and assess where they are and what they need to do. I hope that it does not put a bad taste in their mouth about the industry, because this truly is a great industry as a whole.What I would like to encourage the reps is to now, go out and do your due diligence, go research, talk to some top earners in other companies and find out what they recommend that you do. Look at other products and services that are proven in the industry, but do not rush into anything.See the problem is that a lot of people join companies that have just launched or that has only been around for no more than 18 months they do not look to see if the company has a strong foundation to survive and the hype that is surrounded by the momentum is what gets them involved. What happens is that the company shuts down because it can no longer pay out the money it promised with no warning and you are basically left out in the cold.I personally got caught up in the hype of another company that I am not going to name but luckily used what GOD gave me and came to my senses before I left my company that is one of the top companies in the industry. That company again that I will not name will fold very soon and I will be writing about that one as well.The main thing is that I want to convey is that there are a lot of great companies out there and a lot of not so great companies out there. Take your time, look at the comp plan, the management, the leadership and the niche of the company and ask yourself will this company be around it 2-5 years and possible longer, then decide to join.Lastly, it really does not matter what company you decide to get with in the end because you still have to recruit and sell the product or service and you need a system to help you get you new downline going if and when you start your new business.You need a system that can help you generate leads, help you learn how to market offline and online, help you leverage your time and to train your new reps the same way so that you all can make money. So if the rug ever gets pulled out from under you again, you will still be able to find another company and not worry about how you will build it all over again because you could not keep your downline intact.Stay the leader that your team trusted you in the first place and decided to join you by helping them generate as many leads and turn them into new recruits and customers immediately.

