
Do the Evolve Health Compensation Plan and Its Products Matter?

Evolve Health seems to have a great product with a generous compensation plan. But with my experience in the network marketing industry, I can tell you that compensation plans and products don't really have anything to do with your success. Evolve Health gives each new member a company replicated website to help market the business. A Company replicated website is not the best way to promote a business. Sure it might give your prospects information about the product and opportunity. But at the end of the day, how is a company replicated website going to separate you from the thousands of distributors in Evolve Health?This is why so many people in the network marketing industry fail. Everyone is promoting their company, products and compensation plans. People need to be promoting themselves. Marketing requires that you position yourself as a leader. When you do that, people will be more inclined to want to join you and do business with you.Think about it for a second. Why do people join network marketing organizations? It is because they feel that a network marketing company will help someone reach their goals in life. This is why they will join. A company replicated website isn't going to persuade your prospects to join your network marketing business. People will not join a business because of unique products or compensation plans.Evolve Health has a product that is backed by the University of Texas. It's founder has grown many successful companies. At the end of the day, your success with this or any company comes down to you.

