
Network Marketing Tools

Network Marketing is no different. When this type of Marketing first became popular back in the 1960's, times were different. And you didn't need sophisticated tools. In today's market they are absolutely essential.The Network Marketing Tools I would recommend are:1. Web Design software: like Dreamweaver, FrontPage, or if you're on a budget, you can get a free HTML Editor software called CoffeeCup.2. Squeeze Page or Lead Capture Page: Building a network marketing business in the internet age is all about capturing the contact information of interested prospects and have them directly loaded into your autoresponder so you can follow up with them.3. Autoresponder: This is one tool that you do not want to scrimp on. Two of the top autoresponder services today are Awebber and GetResponse. This tool will allow you to stay in contact with your prospects.4. Blog: The biggest thing in this business is your creditability. The best way to build your creditability is to have your own web site or blog. In my opinion a blog is the best option. Buy your own domain name from Godaddy or any other company that sells domains and set up a WordPress Blog.5. Video Camera: Now you don't need a real expensive video camera. You could use a WebCam, FlipCam and even some digital cameras come with a video option. If you are going to use a WebCam, buy a quality one from Logitech. You camnget one of there best WebCams for around $100. The reason I am listing this as one of my necessary Network Marketing Tools because video is a major player on the Internet and if you are not using video, believe me your competition is.These Network Marketing Tools will allow you to build a powerful lead attraction marketing system.

