
Attraction Marketing - Basic Concept

I belong to several social networking sites and I see a lot of networkers and marketers on those sites, and I see this everyday. People soliciting and pitching and advertising, selling after selling after selling. I talked about warm market in my previous article Warm Market in Network Marketing is a Cliche, and while going online may be a good strategy to break away from chasing friends and family, this is still not that much more effective. You might as well make cold calls, or purchase cold leads from a mailing list broker.Mike Dillard, the pioneer of attraction marketing, said "You need to be willing to Give without Want before you can Have."Jeffery Combs, who trained Mike Dillard, said "I've never sold my company or products."The legendary Jim Rohn said "Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have."What does this all mean?If you are not having as much success as you would like to in your business through your traditional sales method, here's a couple of very important rules you may have never been taught.People Do Business with PeopleIf you first try to sell your products to strangers, you are very unlikely to succeed. By selling, I'm including even mentioning of your company or products without being asked. To people who don't know you, you are just another sales person. It doesn't matter if your product is the best, or something they absolutely need, because they won't even look at them when they don't know you. People do business with people, not company or products.People Buy You First, Your Company and Products LastA lot of marketers try to do this backwards. Business is a bit like dating, you are not going to propose to your date on a first date. You get to know each other first. Have you ever been on a blind date and felt like you were on a job interview? In a way, it's the same thing. It doesn't mean you need to impress your customer with all the wonderful features of your products, because you are still doing it backwards. But you do need to impress them with yourself. Build a rapport with your customers. Be genuinely willing to help, and share your knowledge that will serve them. This will show that you are an expert on the subject. Once you are able to do this, they will see the value in you and trust you, and will be wanting to buy anything you sell, without you even try to do so.Attraction MarketingWhat do all the most successful people have in common? It's the amount of money they spend on their education. Mike Dillard, in his Magnetic Sponsoring eBook, said "The more valuable you become to others, the more they will seek you out." The key to success then, is to continue educating yourself and make yourself more valuable, which in turn will attract more customers to you. Instead of chasing people, have them chase you. That's the basic concept of attraction marketing.To quote Jim Rohn again on this note, "Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune." "We must learn to apply all that we know so that we can attract all that we want." Continue reading below if you would like to learn more on Attraction Marketing.

