
Marketing 101 - Your MLM Prospecting Tools

MLM marketers, who desire to succeed in their networking online business, will need a variety of tools. But, there is one tool that you must have in your marketing arsenal if you wish to keep attracting prospects and grow your business. That tool is the MLM auto responder and in this article I will discuss how this very important MLM tool is a key to your success.Nearly every successful online marketer uses an auto responder. Every opportunity I have ever been involved with, the top earners always promote getting an auto responder set up quickly. However, most online marketers fail to utilize this important MLM prospecting tool and never understand the importance of auto responders. The average prospect needs to see your offer 7 to 8 times before making a decision; this is where this MLM tool will help you build your business.An auto responder will allow you to automate the follow up process by continually contacting prospects through professionally written e-mail messages at selected times and dates that you provide, remember the average person needs to see your product or opportunity 6 to 7 times before joining or buying. There are a number of companies that offer this service. Companies like Aweber, GVO and more will help you set up your auto responder campaign. Once the campaign is setup you will then need to start building your list.Why is this tool so important to your MLM prospecting? Marketing is the key to your success online, without it your business will fail to grow and die and you will get discouraged and quit the business before having any success. Building a list, then marketing to that list on a consistent basis is a key ingredient to success. However, the people on your list must trust and respect you, do not build a list then just spam them. Offer freebies, good content and valuable resources.Offering freebies and good content to your list is good business. Why? It's quite simple, they will soon discover that being on your list is very valuable and you will be building trust, so your list retention rate will remain high. It hurts your business to spend the time and energy getting someone on your list, only to have that prospect opt out. As your list continues to grow, so will your business if you learn to take care of your list with a professional auto responder campaign.Take the time to include the auto responder into your MLM prospecting tool kit. Learn to build trust and relationships with your list by offering freebies and valuable content. Then watch as your list grows and your income explodes.

