
Max Out the Compensation Plan - Ardyss Distributors!

You just signed up as an Ardyss International distributor. Great, now what? Do you have all the tools you need to maximize the compensation plan?If you are like most, your upline has told you to make a list of family and friends. Although this is a solid first step, you need to look at the big picture and think long term so a self-funded proposal is critical. When you do this you will not only add new distributors to your team but you will also build a large list of solid prospects, pay for your marketing and create an additional stream of income.To be very clear, there is no magic bullet to success. The reality is that you must learn the ropes of the industry. You must become good at sponsoring people from your warm market while generating your own leads online. This article is going to focus on keys to create your own leads in order to max out the Ardyss compensation plan. My only advice to you with your warm market is to focus on quality not quantity. Your time is too valuable, don't waste your time with whiners and complainers.People generally don't join companies they join YOU! If you are going to succeed with a self-funded proposal you must understand this concept. This is true in your warm market and online. Therefore, you must develop yourself into a leader and you need to viewed as a person that knows how to generate big results. To be successful in Ardyss, you must provide people with a step by step system that they can use to build their team.To really get the most of the in Ardyss compensation plan you need a self-funded proposal. This is selling a low-priced product initially, to build value in yourself as a leader, and to help establish long term residual income. Cell phone companies are a great example. To entice you to sign a two-year service contract you are offered a low-priced (or free) phone. The phone acts as the lure. The service contract is how these companies create the residual income. You can apply the same principle to realize Ardyss success.Specifically, sell quality MLM training initially. This sets you apart from the crowd as you are actually providing answers to your prospects challenges. As you build a relationship with your candidate then you can begin to present your Ardyss opportunity and begin to create your residual income.Here's the deal. When you identify people that invest in learning how to market their business then you've got some high quality prospects. They have demonstrated a higher level of commitment and put their money where their mouth is. It has been said that the fortune in this industry is made in the follow up. At this point the ball is in your court to make a personal connection.As a filter, a self-funded proposal sorts out the uninterested and insincere candidates which leaves you with people that are more serious about killing it with the Ardyss compensation plan. You no longer have to waste your time working with people that don't recognize the value of investing in their business or who are negative about network marketing. The reality is that most people that you talk to will not end up joining you in business. The great thing about a self-funded proposal is that you are paid commissions from the sales of your upfront products.The best self-funded proposals on the market are from Mike Dillard and My Lead System Pro. I highly recommend both. You can begin to earn commissions when you sign up as an affiliate.Two important ends are achieved with a self-funded proposal: 1) You generate higher quality candidates and 2) You create an identity as someone who has answers, a leader that gets results.You become the go to person. Your candidates will come to you when the time comes for them to make business decisions. You give yourself leverage with your prospects.A self-funded proposal is a fantastic way for you to maximize the Ardyss compensation plan and to put yourself in a position to build the MLM team of your dreams.

