
MLM Success - Why Do So Many Fail to Have It?

Having success is really not that hard. In fact, it's pretty simple, actually. But, if it's so simple then why do 95% of all network marketers fail to reach the top? Because they're stuck in their ways and don't want to change, plain and simple. They have an "oh well!" attitude instead of an "it will be me!" attitude; referring to "being successful," of course. If they wanted it bad enough, they'd have it.Look, you'll encounter all kinds of people in your network marketing career...1. Some will be Sojourners; they're just passing through, kicking the tires and will be gone before you can remember their name.2. Some will be Ordinary; these want success pretty bad and try to achieve it (perhaps even have a little), but fall short because they just don't try hard enough; they just don't hang around long enough.3. Some will be Masters; with brute force, they plow down every obstacle and eventually reach the top.4. Some (very few) will be Extraordinary; they leap to the top and make it look effortless.Now you can show the un-extraordinary how to become extraordinary, but you can't make them become extraordinary. That is up to them and that's just the way it is. So if your downline isn't living up to your expectations, don't worry about it! Your job is not to change them. It's just not possible.The majority of the people you prospect and sponsor will either be "sojourners" or "ordinary" and they will probably fail (or at the very best eke out a tiny paycheck) because they don't think and act like the wealthy and they don't want to change. Instead, they think and act like everyone else and consequently get paid like everyone else. They have lofty goals, but they give up before they can witness the view from the top. They settle for the status quo. Rather than pressing on and studying and applying what the wealthy think and do, they take the more traveled road of complacency and quietly slip back into mediocrity. They tell themselves it's too hard, they have themselves a pity party, they complain and yell, "SCAM!" and then sit themselves comfortably on the sofa just in time for their favorite prime time television show. That is the uncensored truth of why 95% of network marketers fail to reach the top.They think and do all the wrong things. It's that simple."Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain

