
MLM Website Tips - 5 Ways to Squeeze More Profits Out of Your Blog

For those of you that may be reading this that are new to the network marketing internet business arena, you may not really be aware of how powerful a blog can be to your online marketing strategy. It's more than just a place for you to talk about what's going on in your business or to hand out great advice, it's probably the biggest single point of entry into your business that you can possibly build.And knowing how to leverage the power of that blog to increase your bottom line is a skill that every network marketer needs to learn if you want to build a successful online campaign. If you neglect your blog, you're neglecting one of the primary components of your online business.Whether you're just getting your blog set up or if you've been blogging for a while, you can still implement a few tactics that will squeeze more profits out of your network marketing internet business blog, all while growing your reputation and your sphere of influence online.Here's 5 ways that anyone can implement starting today to fully leverage the power of your blog to grow your network marketing business, and squeeze more profits out of your online efforts.Tip #1 - Add an email opt-in form to your blog. If you haven't figured it out yet, building a great relationship with a list of email subscribers is a fantastic way to build your business. Whether people on you email list join your primary opportunity or not, you can still market to them over and over again if you've got them on a list. Don't be spammy with them, provide a lot of value for your subscribers. Be cool with them, prove to them that you can help them build their business, and they'll reward you by buying lots of your stuff when you do email them an offer. Of course, if you do get spammy, they reward with something else. Lots of unsubscribes. Stay away from that path and you'll be in great shape.Tip #2 - Start promoting affiliate offers. Again, just because someone does not join your primary opportunity doesn't mean that they won't buy something from you. But you have to offer it. If you're doing your job of providing valuable, unique content on your blog, people won't hesitate to at least take a look at something you're offering in a blog post. Just be sure that you're promoting something that will be of value to your blog readers, preferably something that they can implement in their businesses right away that will help them out. Don't just recommend something to make a quick buck. Your readers will reward you in pretty much the same way that they did on your email list.Tip #3 - Use more multimedia in your blog posts. Unless you're completely blind to current trends, you know that audio and video are some of the most powerful marketing tools online right now. If you start using them in your blog posts, you're going to see an immediate increase in traffic and new visitors to your site. Plus, if you make that content easy for people to share, it has the chance of spreading virally to their friends. Word of mouth marketing is still the best form of marketing, and friend recommendations still go a long way, even online. Take advantage of this in your blog marketing.Tip #4 - Install the Facebook Share plugin. I'm sure you've seen this little blue button in many blog posts by now. What this plugin does is allow people to "share" your post on their Facebook profile if they think the content is worthy. How cool is that? People like your stuff and they want to tell their friends about it. One of those friends sees your blog post, possibly joins your list and buys an affiliate product, maybe they even join your business. Pretty cool what a little blue button can do for ya, ain't it?Tip #5 - Install the "Retweet" plugin. Much like the Facebook share plugin, here's another way to help your blog posts get spread virally to people that haven't even been to your blog yet. More exposure for you means more profits.

