
The Morty Seinfeld School of Salesmanship

Have you ever encountered a salesperson that would not take "No" for an answer? How about the door-to-door crews which arrive in neighborhoods offering magazine subscriptions to help them pay their way through school? Last week a senior citizen came a knockin', pitching a local dry cleaner, insisting I at least give them a try as he stuffed one of their plastic clothes bags in my hand. (Those Jerry Seinfeld Show fans would immediately recognize that this guy must have graduated from the Morty Seinfeld School of Salesmanship.)You are probably saying that is the way sales people are. Pushy. What does that have to do with me or network marketing?Every time some of you send out an email pitching your network marketing business without first building a relationship with that email's recipient, you are pulling a Pushy. Each time you write a catchy subject line just to get your email opened such as "Info You Requested"(when no info was requested), yup, that is also a Pushy. Oh, this one I really love: you tell me that you want me to check out this website and give you my opinion (an obvious ploy to lure me to your website so I'll fall in love with your network marketing company and ride off into the sunset with you)...Pushy, Pushy, Pushy.Any wonder, with such deceptive techniques practiced by only a few, why network marketing is characterized as a pyramid scheme which attracts a bunch of zealots? You remember the old proverb: one bad apple spoils the bunch. One Pushy network marketer who constantly floods email inboxes with an endless stream of spam promoting his/her business opportunity is enough to taint all the rest of us trying to brand ourselves and build our businesses by first establishing a relationship.Fortunately I have encountered very few of these "bad apples" in my network marketing career. Nearly every network marketer that I know and/or work with has extreme integrity and respect for others, be they team members or recruits. These Pushy types never make it beyond entry level positions in a typical network marketing company. Although these graduates of Morty's School of Salesmanship are capable of hounding people into joining their business opportunity, they certainly cannot bully a person into staying in their business.

