
Understanding Your MLM Customer

In any business, the better you understand your customers, the more responsive you can be to their needs. MLM is no different. The background information you've gathered about your customers enables you to improve customer service and market your business to them more effectively. Such understanding also engenders customer loyalty, and ensures that you'll be dealing with those who already have some knowledge of your products.Before going on to itemize the specific gains derivable from knowing your customers, let us first examine ways you can get to identify who your customers are as well as what are their needs?You want to begin by deciding what market niche you want to get involved in. This is partly a function of the products you're marketing and your individual talents. But one thing is sure; no matter what it is you are promoting, there are millions of persons out there who are seeking for solutions to different problems. Which will means that there will always be ways for you to help your potential customers.Next, listen to what potential customers in that market are most concerned about. You should be interested in their worries, likes, and dislikes and disappointments. What are their needs, and what is the competition offering at the moment? This is basically the easiest way you can identity your customers and how and what to market to them.Having identified who your customers are, your next task is to fashion out ways to market to them. This should be easy since you already know their needs to a large extent. So build on that knowledge. Simply target them with appropriate offers, and be alert to cross-selling opportunities.Encourage feedback, and always be responsive to customer enquiries. This last point is hugely important. It happens that we are more comfortable dealing with marketers of ANY products who are ready to clarify issues pertaining to their products. It is called after sales service. Big corporations know so well that this is often the determining factor between one-off sales and repeat patronage.But most individual entrepreneurs are yet to fully appreciate the importance of after sales interactions. Many online hawkers are merely content with making a sale and disappearing ever after. I should know because I've severally been at the receiving end. And you can guess my response: I don't patronize such marketers ever again.On the other hand there are a few online marketers whose offers I find hard to resist, mainly because I know if any issues ever come up, they'll be there to resolve it. Since this is the way we all want to be treated, you, my dear reader, should do that way to others. You'll gain many loyal customers by being very responsive to their needs and inquiries.What are the benefits?: They are many. When we know our customers and market to customers we already know, we have easier and faster access to information about these customers. This means we can respond better and faster to their needs. And when errors do occur in the normal course of doing business, it's easier to resolve these amicably. These will all lead to remarkable customer satisfaction and loyalty.And better yet, dealing with customers we know also makes our targeting efforts easier. You can predict more accurately your customers' needs and buying patterns. This serves two purposes: (1) it greatly reduces advert costs; (2) such tailored and personalized treatment of customers often shows that you value their business. Again that brings customer satisfaction. Indeed there are many reasons why every marketer should make efforts to understand their customers. It can really help you to start building a relationship with each other.

