
Why Network Marketing and Personal Development Go Hand in Hand

The average new distributor has very little business ownership experience and not much experience marketing themselves online. Most people have been employees for the better part of their lives, so they are used to someone telling them what to do every day and getting a paycheck just for showing up to work. Starting a network marketing business requires work, determination, a positive attitude, and willingness to learn new skills necessary for success, so personal development is a very important part of becoming a successful MLM business owner.The biggest problem facing people starting out online is getting out of the employee mentality. When you've been told what to do all of your life suddenly becoming a self starter isn't always easy. That's exactly why network marketing and personal development blend so well. Making big changes in your life requires a regimented change in the way you think in order to change the way you act which is why network marketing business owners use various mental exercises to develop a business owner's mindset and shift away from the employee mentalityPersonal Development has also been proven over time to help people make large positive changes in their lives by eliminating limiting beliefs through positive affirmations. Almost everyone has these mental blocks to success that have been engraved into their thought patterns over time. Long term societal conditioning has people in a mentality that they need to get an education, and get a good job in order to be successful in life. It is very difficult for a large percentage of the population to break out of that mold without a good deal of mental training. Affirmations, when practiced regularly, (5+ times per day) can drastically improve a person's chance of breaking out of the social norm and taking control of one's life.There are so many motivational speakers and coaches like Bob Proctor, Anthony Robbins, and Joe Vitale available today that focus on success mindset and breaking out of the corporate mold. Network marketing and personal development work so well together because of the steps people like this have taken to develop books, courses, and conferences designed to help people make the exact changes that this industry requires.

