
What Does it Take? Business Opportunity Vs Unemployment

Recently, I was watching a telecast of the news and it made me ponder and ask myself what does it take for society to realize that you can no longer depend on your 9 to 5? I ask this question in regards to what is currently going on in the economy today and in the world as a whole.The news reported there are currently 15 million people that are unemployed in the United States of America. It would take jobs being replaced at the rate of 150,000 to 250,000 a month for several years to get things back on track. Once again, I pose the question what will it take for people to let go of the 9 to 5 mentality? I ask this question in regards to the current state of the economy. The cost of living is steadily rising. Everything is increasing, property taxes, gas prices, the number of foreclosures and even job losses. America is even running out of revenues to pay unemployment benefits.Why is it that in the land of opportunity the average person has not had a wake up call? Now is the time to let go of the job mentality and embrace the business ownership model or the home based business mindset. While life moves in a circle, we all know that where there is hot there is cold and where there is up there is down. I say this to illustrate the fact that this economy will recover. This is not our first recession nor will it be our last. One of the most intriguing statistics is that more businesses are created during times of recession than any other time in history. You may ask yourself what business do I start? You may even say you do not have the money. My answer to that question is consider starting a home based business. A home based business is the one I love dearly. My particular vehicle of choice is network marketing or Multi Level Marketing also known as MLM.Some folks will say well that is not for me or that they fear change. The thing that people are failing to realize is that if they do not change and get a better understanding of what is currently taking place in society they are going to get gobbled up. Things are changing rapidly, the days of jobs and traditional businesses are slowly slipping away. There is a prediction that says Social Security will run out of money by the year 2037. This is in 27 short years my dear friend. A new way of doing business or earning income has been introduced, that new way is the internet! Profits are high, start ups are low and overhead is almost nonexistent in comparison to traditional businesses of the past.How many laws have you seen passed recently that will benefit the common man? Consider the fact that our elected leaders make decisions that benefit them first and the common people second. Let us make the choice to put ourselves first. Two classes of people will exist in the very near future. There will only be the upper class and the lower class. The middle class is about to be obsolete. I challenge you to challenge yourself. This is a big world and you can seize as much of it as you would like to by the click of a computer mouse.The thing I realize is we have to move with the times. Those who do not move are flat out going to get trampled on. So get your mind together because the cost of living is going to continue to increase while wages are going to remain low. Stop procrastinating and eliminate the fears of change. Think about it, whether you change or not the change is going to be made for you. It is best that you prepare yourself now. I wrote this article to warn you. The light that you see at the end of the tunnel has a train attached to it. Now is the time to eliminate your fears and uncertainties. Take control of your life it is yours for the taking!So in closing, I want to ask once again what does it take for us to take control of our own destiny? Seize the internet, find you a home based business to start online and prosper. James Yorke once said, "The most successful people are those who are good at plan B!"

