
Attend Live Events - Seven Reasons Why Three Percent Top Earners Attend Live Events

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. The most successful leaders in the on line home based business industry get out of their comfort zone and attend live events. Attending live events pertaining to your business may be the best way to increase your income and become a three percent leader. Many of us would rather stay home, be comfortable and save the money. However, that is not a good idea when it comes to producing an income when you work in a home based business. The three percent earners always attend live events.There are seven reasons why it is important to attend live events:Attending a live event will get you out of your comfort zone.
Leaders that attend are interested in helping you succeed.
Live event speakers give great free content.
You will develop personal relationships with top leaders in the industry.
Productivity will increase when you return from the event.
You surround yourself with like minded individuals.
You will establish yourself as a three percent leader.Become a three percent leader. Push yourself out of your comfort zone. You can get bogged down with everyday duties and boredom. Your income will stay the same or decrease due to lack of knowledge. Stop the excuses! Again, get comfortable with being uncomfortable and grab a ticket to the next live event.Every leader or speaker is there to help you succeed. They answer any questions you may have and are willing to share everything they know. They love to give advice. Many times they know others who can help you succeed. Grab a picture with those leaders for testimonials. They never seem to mind.Each guest speaker has up to the minute knowledge and free content. They have already tried and failed for you. If you listen, with an open mind, you will learn a lot from each speaker at the event. So pay attention to what they say. They know what works and most importantly, what does not work. They have already been there and done that.Networking is crucial to your success. Mingle and ask questions. Develop personal relationships. Do not be afraid to enjoy yourself. Bring a camera and interview interesting people. They will remember you and appreciate the interest. Top leaders look for joint ventures. Asking questions may help you find what you need for success.When you get back to business you will be extremely productive. You will have fresh new ideas, better business building methods and new friends to add to your list. Your mind will feel rested and you will feel recharged and ready to create. When you increase your money making tasks your bank account will increase. You can become a top three percent leader.Leaders surround themselves with like minded individuals. This will positively enlighten your journey. Sometimes we have to put up with the negativity of those around us. It can cause us to become bitter, stagnant and unproductive. You will add different dimensions and perspectives to your personal development and business model by attending a live event with people interested in the same things you are. They are always uplifting and positively refreshing.Leaders attend live events. They are there to ensure the well being of their companies and yours. They enjoy growing, learning and participating. Leaders love what they do. They are constantly looking for better, faster, newer ways to increase their income, personal development and relationships. The three percent leaders make sure they attend any event that will push their business to the next level.There are no excuses. Staying at home to save a few bucks and be comfortable will not create the breakthroughs to success needed to become a three percent leader. Personally developing yourself and your business will help you to keep up with the ever changing Internet. Grab your ticket, pack your bags, hop in your car or on a plane and take yourself to the next event offered. Be a serious leader and your marketing will have clarity and energy. Your Internet home based business will financially improve if you attend live events.

