
MLM Marketing Tip - Getting a New Blog to Rank in a Hurry

Yesterday, I was on Jason Better's blog and the topic he wrote about was some really good backlinking strategies. The only concern that I had was that there are a lot of people getting on that blog and if they don't know a lot about SEO, they might take those recommendations and implement them the wrong way.Here is an explanation to why your new site isn't ranking and how you can get around it.The big determining factors in ranking a website are the number of backlinks, proper structure, page rank, and authority. Well, if you have a new site, you probably only have a few of the above. With that being said, you can get pieces of content that you post on your website ranking easily (i.e. video, articles, blog posts, etc.).The best way to describe the process is to imagine your new site as a cinder block in the bottom of the ocean. Each piece of content you put on your site is a buoy. As you add links back to each piece of content, the air will fill up in the buoy and begin to float to the top. Once you add enough buoys, the cinderblock will eventually begin lifting off the ground and begin ranking as a result of the authority of the content. Hope this isn't crystal clear as mud, but am trying to retell the analogy the way I learned it from the SEO gurus.In light of this, the way to get your site to rank a lot quicker is to point your links back to your content instead of your main page or sub pages like most people do. When you put out an article, video, or blog post on your site go out and comment, get some social bookmarks, post the content on another site with the links pointing back to the original piece of content. Ranking the content this way is a lot easier and quicker for new sites.Hopefully this clears up any confusion people are having on getting stuff to rank. I have a feeling a lot of people, who only dabble in SEO, have been pointing all of their links back to the wrong place and wondering why their stuff isn't ranking.

