
Forever Living Review - Is the Forever Living Opportunity the Right Fit For Your Home Business?

OverviewForever Living was started in 1978. They are doing business in over 140 countries. But their main offices are in Scottsdale, Arizona. They are the largest manufacturer of Aloe Vera. They sell Aloe Vera drinks, Aloe Vera skin care products and cosmetics, nutritional supplements, and bee hive products.So I'm going to get to the point and talk about Forever Living business opportunity. My goal is to cover such details as the expenses, compensation plan, and training involved so that you can decide if it's worth your time to commit to being a Forever Living distributor.What Are The Expenses?In order to become a Forever Living distributor, you must submit a distributor application. It can be filled out online or on a paper. There is no fee associated with the distributor application. The only expenses you can incur are the following:1. Of course you have to order products to sell them in person if you want. And if you do order there is a minimum of $50 per order. 2. Also, if you want to sell your products online, you can get a pre-built web site from Forever Living. This web site can be maintained within an online tool called My FLP Biz and it will cost $19.95 per month or you can pay an up front fee for the year of $199.95 which is around a $39 savings compared to paying the monthly fee for 12 months.Choices 1 and 2 above are optional. But of course you have to pick at least one option to start selling your products. That decision is up to you if you decide to join the Forever Living business opportunity.Also it's known that Forever Living sometimes offers promotions on their online tool called My FLP Biz. I actually called up their support line and they were offering 50 days for free. Now with My FLP Biz, you can customize your web site with your name, pictures, and even add video so you can personally brand yourself. My FLP Biz does more than just allow you to customize your pre-built web site. It is an address book, calendar, report generator, and a management tool. You can see such stats are you sales, your team's sales, and the number of distributors on your team.The Forever Living Compensation Plan Forever living distributors earn a 43% retail profit. For example you can buy a product at wholesale for $100 and sell it at retail for $143. Your profit is $43 which is 43% of the $100 you paid for the product. ($100 multiplied by 43% = $43)Also, if you're a sponsor you can also earn money off of your distributors' product purchases. For example, for every $100 your distributors spend to purchase products, you will earn $17.With your personal sales you can earn between 5% to 18% in bonuses. Each month you will receive a bonus that is based on the retail value of all the product purchases you made in your own name.There is also a group volume bonus that you can qualify for. When you get to the Supervisor Level, you receive between a 3% to 13% bonus. This bonus is determined by the total retail value of products purchased by your team, which are the distributors you've recruited.Forever Living measures distributor's achievements using something called case credits otherwise known as cc's. Every Forever Living product has a case credit value assigned to it. In order to get to a certain distributor level you need to earn a certain number of case credits in a calendar month or 2 consecutive months. You earn case credits based on your personal sales and you also get case credits for your team's sales too. And an advantage with this plan is that once you reach a certain distributor level, you can't revert back to a lower level. You don't have to worry about maintaining volume in order to maintain your distributor level. Also, it's known that 1 case credit (cc) is equal to $132 wholesale price. Below is information telling you the number of case credits (cc) you need to achieve to get to a certain distributor level:Assistant Supervisor: 2cc43% Retail Profit5% bonus on Personal Retail SalesSponsor & build downlineSupervisor: 25cc43% Retail Profit8% bonus on Personal Retail Sales3% on Asst. Supervisor Group Retail SalesAssistant Manager: 75cc43% Retail Profit13% bonus on Personal Retail Sales5% bonus on Supervisor Group Retail Sales8% bonus on Asst. Supervisor Group Retail SalesManager: 120cc43% Retail Profit18% bonus on Personal Retail Sales5% bonus on Asst. Manager Group Retail Sales10% bonus on Supervisor Group Retail Sales13% bonus on Asst. Supervisor Group Retail SalesThere are many other bonuses that you can qualify for. The bonuses all depend on your sales performance, your team's sales performance, and you and your team's ability to recruit and train people to become successful. So this means it's up to make sure you learn the business so that you can develop a training program that duplicates success. If this training program duplicates success then you and the people below you will succeed. And we all know that the majority of the income generated by a sponsor in an MLM business is through the performance of his or her team.Training Forever Living training is more than efficient to help you learn the business and market the product. Your sponsor will give you personalized training when needed. Also, they have a web site called Forever Online Training that has many resources of information included written documentation and tutorial videos all on how to develop yourself as a Forever Living distributor. I was impressed with the abundant amount of documentation within their back office. If you're not sure if you want commit to the Forever Living business opportunity, please make sure to look at this back office called Forever Online Training. It's very important in whatever business you choose that you find the opportunity that is going to offer you great resources so that you can run an efficient business.Also, a forever business academy is available at local or regional levels. Distributors have the option to attend these in person training seminars.ConclusionForever Living is a well established business that provides high quality health products. They take pride in developing natural products to help with their customer's health and beauty. Forever Living is definitely not a scam.They offer an abundant number of training avenues through their personalized training and through their videos and written documents on their web site. I was impressed by how easy it was to find their compensation plan details within their US based web site. It is usually very hard to find the compensation plan of any company, but Forever Living was one of few companies that made it easy for potential prospects to learn about the compensation plan by openly providing the details on their web site. If you are a person that likes to analyze details before committing, Forever Online Training web site provides lots of information and even provides video explaining the compensation plan details of their business opportunity. If you are thinking about joining any opportunity make sure you have a good understand of the business. It's a good sign when a business offers valuable resources to answer people's questions. And Forever Living does a good job answering questions their prospects may have.

