
3 Tips to Make a Larger Income in Network Marketing

The world of network marketing is a big one and you will find many opportunities to join legitimate and reputable companies. However, legitimate and reputable are not the only things to look for. The key is to choose the company that is going to help you make the most income. The following are 3 tips to make a larger income in network marketing:1. Choose the company that has products that can be autoshipped. These are products that must continually be replaced, such as cleaning products or make up. They run out and the customer needs to purchase more. What this means for you is more residual or repetitive income coming in. However, don't think that just because the company has products that can be autoshipped that you will receive a commission on them. You must look into their compensation plan to clarify all the details of your commissions from the auto shipments.2. Choose the company that has a better compensation system. Like mentioned above, just because a company has autoship products does not mean you will be receiving income from them. This is not the only part of the compensation plan you should be looking into, though. First, you want to look at the actual commission rate you will be receiving. Keep in mind, the larger price point and the higher commissions you may receive, but the higher priced point items may be more difficult to sell.The second thing you want to look for is the company's different levels of compensation. If you recruit a member and receive a portion of their commissions, it is known as a two-tier pay structure. If that person recruits someone else and you earn a commission, it is known as a three tier structure. The more tiers there are and the more commissions you can earn.3. Teach your recruits what you have learned about making a larger income in network marketing. Once you have discovered the secret to making a larger income in network marketing, teach your members so they, too, can make more money. This money will trickle up to you. Remember, the majority of people who you recruit into the business will have very little or no experience at all. Once you teach them, they can then go out and teach their own recruits what they have learned. You must not look at them as your competition, but should, instead, look upon each individual in the business as potential income for you.

