
Why a Lead Generation Blog Must Be a Part of Your Business

Almost all of the top online network marketers agree that a lead generation blog is a great way to generate free leads. But, lately it is becoming a bigger factor than ever in successful online marketers' overall businesses. The top marketers have been using a three tiered strategy to generate leads and sign people up for their businesses for years:1. Generate Traffic2. Personal Branding and 3. Attraction Marketing.A properly designed lead generation blog can do all three as long as you consistently provide people with valuable content.Blogs can attract traffic in a number of ways. First they can be great for SEO on any keyword. Just create some content centered on that keyword and post it to your blog. Add some back links by writing a few of articles with the same content worded differently, post it to any social networks you are a part of, and you immediately have a very search engine friendly web page. Not many people know that blogs can also be used in PPC marketing as well. Just make sure that you have enough content created around the keyword you are advertising to make it relevant to the search.Once you have the traffic coming to your site you need to establish yourself as a leader and someone who can offer people an opportunity for success with YOU as their mentor. Remember that people don't join companies, they join people. Share what you know about anything in the industry. Offer free training courses or email series. The most important thing to do is convey that you can and will help the person succeed in making money online through your lead generation blog posts.Now that you have the traffic and have shown people that you are a leader capture their contact information and begin the process of attraction marketing. Use your email broadcasts to convey even more of what you know and any experiences you've had in the industry to further the idea that you can help that person go from where they are now to where they want to be. Above all else be consistent. Post to your lead generation blog and send at least once per day and get people used to receiving valuable content from you. A few months on your email list and potential business partners will be falling over themselves to join you in whatever opportunity you choose!

