
Can You Survive the MLM World?

It makes me sad that the attrition rate in MLM is so high. This high turnover rate does cause a lot of people to ponder whether or not they can survive the MLM World.I have a few thoughts about this question. My first thought is about the separation of personal life and work life. I believe there is a time and a place for everything. If you are always in work life mode you are going to turn people off. I've had a few friends over the years who didn't know how to turn off the work mode switch. What would happen is they were always trying to sell me something, either a product or an opportunity. There are so many other topics I'd rather discuss that I left the friendship as it was a relationship providing me with nothing. If you want to build your circle of friends, then you need to find the off switch to your business life.By the very same token, you actually should always be able to switch to work mode. For example, I was at someone's house just recently. We were enjoying a great conversation when she mentioned needing a cake carrier. Of course I offered her a catalog. After that we went right back to chatting about other things.If you're going to survive the MLM world, you need to know how to turn it off and turn it on and you need to know when to turn it off and on.The next thing I believe leads to high attrition is unrealistic expectations. I see ads all of the time that claim you can earn millions in the next thirty days. If anyone could earn millions in thirty days we'd have no more poverty in the world. If everyone who entered into MLM was about to earn millions, we wouldn't have the high turnover rate.I have had people call me and say, "I don't want to earn millions, just enough to cover all of my bills." They never even tell a soul they have something for sale. When they quit, they're disappointed that they didn't earn any money. You can't earn money in MLM if you don't sell products.I suggest setting your first goal at one new customer. This is a very achievable goal and very realistic. If you're in a party plan, set your goal at one new party. I had a girl sign up a month ago. She set her goal at one party. She got the one party and set another goal of one new party. She actually got two parties. In the end, in her first month she ended up with five parties. She's keeping realistic and going into her second month she hopes to get three parties. I know she can do it.The final point I'd like to bring to your attention is forming new relationships on a regular basis. If you want to survive in MLM you have to continually meet new people. I say hi to new people every single day. I do this both online and offline. I say hi to strangers in the grocery store and I say hi to strangers in a chat room. I continue to build my circle of people I know.I believe if you turn off the work switch at the appropriate times, set realistic expectations and continue to meet new people, you can absolutely survive the MLM world.

