
The Hard Truth on Genesis PURE

Genesis PURE is a new network marketing company that was created to offer the very best nutritional products in the world. The company claims that they will revolutionize the nutritional MLM industry through their system of "Cleanse, Balance, Build", their compensation plan, and the strength of their corporate officers. They pay out 55% commissions and offer up front earning potential through first order bonuses and retail sales designed to make distributors profitable quickly and pair that with a residual plan that will pay consistently over time (provided you can build up a network of distributors and customers.)All that is fine and good until you get to the truth on why they exist and why they chose the MLM business model. Almost EVERY network marketing company exists so that people can make money (distributors and owners.) MLM Companies try to spin in a million different ways. Each company has some great and noble reason for existing, just read Genesis PURE's website and you'll see what I mean, but in reality, network marketing is a very inexpensive method of distributing products with no advertising costs and no need to pay a sales force. For someone on the outside looking in this may be a little shocking. Even some seasoned network marketers may be a little taken aback by this, but it's the truth and it's NOT a bad thing.It's good for both the Genesis PURE and the distributors. The company saves a substantial amount of money and keeps its overhead low and distributors are able to set up a business with very low start up costs, no product research and development have an opportunity to earn a substantial income. The fact is that less than 3% of the people in this business will ever take the time to learn the skills and techniques to market themselves effectively. People need to learn how to market and promote themselves FIRST... Once you learn to do that, you will always be able to earn an income in this industry regardless of what company they are involved with.Genesis PURE reps will tell you that anyone can succeed with this company and building a huge sales organization will be easy because of how great an opportunity it is and how wonderful the products are. However, if you don't know how to put in front of right people... then you will never make any money with it. Follow the instructions below for more information on how to get your company in front of the right people on autopilot.

