
Network Marketing & Robert Kiyosaki

Why should anyone start a network marketing business? If you were to ask Robert Kiyosaki that question he would say because the rich do not work for money they build B quadrant businesses.Let's talk about why people should start their own part time network marketing business...1) No Discrimination.The MLM company that you join does not care about your skin color, education level, height, or gender. There is no ceiling as to what level of rank you can achieve in a network marketing business. Unlike the corporate and government world where you can only move up the ladder if you have a college education.2) Networks.As Robert Kiyosaki says the rich do not work for money they have money work for them. Also, he goes on to say that if you want to become wealthy you have to build a network like all other rich people do. Think of the network of cell phone towers. Just one tower by itself does not connect all the calls, but all the towers working together is what makes the company founders rich. By having a great network people pay a monthly fee to access that service.3) Training.If you want to become one of the top producers at your company you have to learn how to sell. Most network marketing companies provide excellent sales and personal development training. At your job if you don't perform well after the initial training there is a good chance you will be fired. This is not true with network marketing. The company and your upline will always be there to train and support you until you learn how to sell and grow the business.4) Helping Others.In order to get promotions in the corporate and government worlds you have to step on others to make yourself look better. In MLM the only way to become wealthy is by helping others go from the E and S quadrants to the B and I quadrants.To learn more about network marketing and how to get free leads to make money online follow the link in the resource box.

