
Do Your Friends Know You Are in Network Marketing?

Have you ever been surprised by a friend, who one day told you they were in a network marketing business? And when you ask them how long they have been in it they tell you it has been months, or even a year or more. You find it hard to believe that they never told you they were in business.Why do so many people get involved with an MLM company and then never tell their friends? Are the embarrassed? Are they not serious about their business? Or are they simply afraid of what their friends may say? There are any number of reasons why people don't tell their friends, and whatever the reason may be, it is not a valid reason.If you are in business then you need customers. And to get customers, people have to know you are in business. The more people who know you are in business the more potential customers, or business associates you have. It is really quite simple. If you want to build a successful business then tell others you are in business.And many of those other people will be your friends. Will all of them support you in your efforts? Of course not, but you will never know how many will support you unless you let them know you are in business. Too many people feel that the negative connotations related to the network marketing industry are such that it will keep them from telling their friends.If you are serious about building a strong network marketing business then it will not matter what some of your friends say about your business. Most people have so many misconceptions about the MLM industry that they really don't understand how the industry actually works.These people just don't understand. But you do! You have seen the potential of network marketing. Don't let what other people think about network marketing keep you from telling others you are in the business. You have an opportunity to educate others about the industry and the good aspects of the business.You have to be confident about your business. Don't be afraid to tell your friends. Most of those you know will admire you for taking some initiative to start a home based business. In fact, many wish that they had the same initiative as you, but they just don't have the confidence.You will be surprised at the number of your friends who will support you in your efforts. Now that does not mean that you "pester" your friends to the point of becoming annoying. Doing so is a sure way to turn your fiends against you. Once you inform them about your products or opportunity, let them make the next move.All you have to do is tell your friends about your business. If they are interested they will let you know. But the main thing is that you have to let them know you are in business. If you don't tell them I'm sure your competitors also won't. Build your business by telling your friends.

