
3 Easy Steps to Affiliate Marketing SEO

AdWords has really changed the way people are marketing in the last 3 months or so making it extremely impossible for anyone to use replicated websites. As a result, people are choosing affiliate marketing SEO to generate leads. You cannot optimize content on most affiliate sales pages since you don't have control over the content, so you have to go about it in a roundabout way. It's not as quick or targeted as PPC, but it can be just as effective.The first step is to identify different groups of people that might benefit from the products you are marketing and brainstorm various keywords and keyword phrases that they would regularly search for. Use Google's keyword tool to estimate traffic and competition. Avoid affiliate marketing SEO for terms that have less than 1000 searches per month. What good is optimizing for keywords that never get searched, right? Also try to avoid terms that have high rates of competition. The lower the competition, the easier it will be to get your content ranked highly.The next step is to write your articles. Keep your articles between 350 and 500 words (shorter is better) and use your key word phrase once every 80-100 words. Add a good resource box and include your affiliate link so that people can find your site. Submit the article first to EzineArticles.com (it's the most popular) and then 4 other highly trafficked article directories. Include a back link to your EzineArticles.com article in the 4 you submit to other directories for affiliate marketing SEO purposes.The third step is to create more back links using different social networking and social media sites. Comment in 5 (or more if you have time) different forums and include the link to your EzineArticles.com article. Post the link on your Facebook page and send it out via Twitter. The more back links to your article the better it looks to Google, so spend a little time each day creating a few back links for affiliate marketing SEO and you will have articles that drive traffic and generate leads for you forever.

