
Could MLM Have Been Another Waterloo For Napoleon Bonaparte?

Consider MLM, direct sales, network marketing, the Internet, and the interconnection of social networking sites; would Napoleon have given up and been eventually banned to St. Helena, (a barren rock making Devils Island look like Club Med), with his laptop and a case of fine French Champagne? Historically impossible for our friend, (Con Edison was not around at the time); but just think for a moment, entering into the world of Internet marketing for we mere mortals, can be very overwhelming.Napoleon's battle at Waterloo is synonymous with defeat, and to many who enter into the fray of Internet marketing, Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) or direct sales networking, could easily become their own personal Waterloo. Lost time, money and not to mention the embarrassment of what is perceived to be a failure.Failure, except for Napoleon, is a lesson learned on what does not work, and not necessarily the end. If the little Emperor had stayed in Elba and not tried a run at retaking France, his lot in life would have been much better. Moral, failure is not a bad thing, just know when to stop!Where does one start, and when do we perceive things are going right? When the individual decides especially to enter the world of Internet marketing and sales he or she has well defined goals and objectives.I paraphrase Mr. John Jackson, 'a goal or an objective without a specific date is nothing more than a dream or wish.' Dreaming is the beginning phase of the process which, it must be transformed into a goal, carefully considering resources and time, with a specific completion date.The average age of a millionaire in the US is a fifty-two year old male and has been bankrupt at least two times in their business career. This tell us they never gave up; if applied correctly and intelligently, failure is the next stepping stone forward, ergo learn from your mistakes.A properly prepared entrepreneur, with a well defined set of goals and specific dates will never give up, though there will be perceived failures along the way. It's an old axiom, the person who may hit you is not always your enemy. Be prepared to take a few hits along the way to success.What then causes 'total' failure, the inability to meet the goals, the objectives? Excluding debilitating external sources that one has no control over, state of mind is the primary reason. One has simply given up which illuminates they never really had a sound goal to begin with. It is not that complicated if one is truly driven, they will do everything to overcome any obstacle in their path to their defined goal.Many great men and women were born out of incomprehensible poverty, disease, poor health, lack of education, no support by their families, their trump card is the mere audacity to do what they set out to do. It's that simple yet so many fail to see the beauty in the simplicity.

