
Network Marketing and the 21st Century

The dynamic of MLM/Network Marketing has changed in the past few years. In the past network marketing was untargeted calls and home seminars to groups of friends, co-workers, and family; many of which may not be interested in network marketing or home based businesses. The new network is targeted at those actively seeking your system, or at the very least a money making system to become a masters of their own destiny.5-10 years in the "Old Network", you would have to seek out and meet with family, friends, and any one else that got "dragged" to your meetings or into your conference calls. You'd have your friends and family worried that every phone call or contact from you was going to include an advertisement of some sort. This kind of constant pushing on friends and family can harm relationships with those who you are close to. The old style of marketing also takes a lot of footwork and time, meetings, brochures etc usually take 2 years for the ball to get rolling, and 5-10 years to start seeing "good" money. This also usually requires a good network of friends and family. If you figure even a high percentage or 5%-10% conversion rate you'd need to talk to 20-40 people just to get the average of 2 people in your down-line.The modern era has brought us a huge network of millions looking for network marketing opportunities and home based business opportunities. Daily hundreds of thousands of people are searching for a way that they can step away from their jobs, and create a successful business from their home. They are searching the internet for answers to their financial woes and their dissatisfaction with their current jobs. These people are at your fingertips, you don't need to leave your doorstep to get in contact with them. Where it may take a year or two to get in contact with 40 people the face to face way, with the internet you can reach 40 people in just a few hours. The best part is that you don't' need to spend time with people who aren't interested, they can just move on. This leaves you to focus on your current down-line as well as spending more time on those who are interested.The other advantage of going online, your work is permanent. Once you set up your web page, video, or social networking page, it is there attracting new leads every day, without ever stopping. When you spend 1-2 hours doing a business presentation and the people in attendance stand up and leave you get to do it all over for the next group next week. This is great in 2 ways, once you've become established with one opportunity and you've tweaked your program for maximum conversions and visibility, you can move on to another business while this one runs itself. The online technique lends it self very well to generating multiple income streams.Follow me for more installments where I will focus on different areas of the internet to use. We will cover YouTube, Google AdWords, Twitter, and a lot more.

