
Network Marketing - Heavy Hitter Lead Generation Secrets

Every network marketing business needs leads in order to thrive and survive. Having fresh new leads everyday is the life blood of the business. So how do the "guru" Internet Marketers get hundreds of leads per day like they claim they do?The answer is simple really. They do not depend on one source of traffic for lead generation. They have multiple streams of traffic just like rich people have multiple streams of income. The different types of methods they use are article marketing, PPC, PPV, CPA, affiliates, etc.But before going out and implementing these different strategies you need to do what they did. Keep in mind that they did not become successful over night it was a steady process of working the business finding out what works and what doesn't.Let's say you want to drive traffic to your website using pay per click advertising. Before you move on to a different lead generation strategy become an expert at PPC and get your ads running at a conversion rate that at least allows you to build your list at a break even point. Then put it on autopilot and move on the next strategy and repeat the process until you have hundreds of leads coming into your business everyday on autopilot.Above all else track everything how else are you going to know what works and what is wasting money? The gurus didn't become experts because they just threw many at different sources of lead generation. If they had done that they would still be working J.O.B.'s so track everything.If you want to learn more about network marketing lead generation strategies and how to get leads for free to make money online make sure you read and follow the instructions in the resource box below.

