
The Best MLM Company in the World? Or Just a Bunch of Distributor Hype?

Looking for the best MLM company in the world?You're in the same position that I was a few years back when I first found myself searching for a home in this industry. I believe the Network Marketing industry by itself is the best profession on earth, but what I found when I tried to distinguish truth from hype is that finding a good company that you can truly call home is almost a more difficult job than building a team.In fact, when you know how to do it, building a successful MLM team is one of the easiest things that you'll ever do in any professional arena - but finding a good company is an entirely different picture. So what do you look for?First, you've got to look at WHAT YOU WANT. That's right. There are a lot of different styles of Network Marketing companies, compensation plans, leaders, teams, systems, etc - and you've got to find a way of building the business that 'Jives' with your personality.After that, look at the leadership of the ACTUAL company. Take a look at their track record, who they've been in the business world, the team that they've assembled, and who is backing them in their actions. If you find solid leaders that don't have ego's, you're on the track to finding a true home in this industry that can help you create a lifestyle that is beyond your imagination.Finally, take a look at the product and just ask yourself this simple question: "Is this something that I can TRULY believe in?" Because if it's not, don't bother.Notice I didn't say 'look at the comp plan.' Why? Because if you find a PASSION for a real product, a powerful team, and a vision to take that message to the world, you've got yourself a recipe for creating wealth in almost any good network marketing company in the world. YES, there are comp plans that are better than others, but sometimes great comp plans have lame products, and vice versa. YOU need to market a good product, and put that first if you're looking for a legitimate opportunity.

