
The Truth About Club Sea Breeze Revolving Matrix

The Club Sea Breeze 2x2 revolving matrix is a compensation plan based upon the idea of 2 people getting 2 people, and then you get paid. It's not complex, but does it work?In order to get paid, a total of 8 positions must be filled in your current matrix. That is one person on level one, two people on level two, and four people on level three. Level one and two will always be filled by current associates, so all that needs to be filled is the four positions in level three.Keep In Mind: It can be either filled from you, your down-line, yor up-line, or anyone else on that matrix.Each time a matrix is filled; the first person who has 2 sponsored associates under them will automatically move to the paid position and collect a $500 commission. The matrix will then split into 2 new matrixes, with 4 new positions to be filled in level 3 and repeating the process again. That's why it's called a 2x2 revolving matrix.What I really like about this matrix is it also has a Sponsor Matrix Override. That means for every person you've sponsored that exits the matrix, you will collect an extra $250 commission. If that wasn't enough, they also will follow you on to your new matrix.However, in order to get the full benefit, you need about 1-3 builders on your matrix. If you can achieve this, you can make it happen because the revolving 2x2 matrix is designed for speed, momentum, and synergy.How much does the Club Sea Breeze 2x2 Matrix Cost? Club Sea Breeze Associates is an individual or business entity who desires to earn an income by selling the Club Sea Breeze Products and pays $29.97 annual fee for replicated website, hosting and business tracking system.Club Sea Breeze Travel Member is an individual or business entity who desires the benefits of the CSB Membership and pays the $397 one-time fee. ($337 for Associates)Think about this, in today's economy environment, more people than ever are looking for that one opportunity, that one thing they can find that will actually work. But, most people do not have a large sum of money to invest. This is why Club Sea Breeze is going to be an incredible seller.

