
How MLM & 7 Figure Top Tier Online Marketers Turn Their List Into Cash - Part 2 of 4

If you're an MLM or Top Tier online marketer your number one priority is to turn your opt-in list into cash. For some of us, it makes for a very stressful part of the business if we are just getting started and don't really have a significant list yet. If this is the case, you may be one of those marketers that constantly look to see your email and unsubscribe list, right? Does it make you nervous just to look at it? Sort of makes you feel like a failure if you didn't get a lead? Or if someone unsubscribed you wonder what you could have done differently?Not to say there wasn't something that you could have done differently, but at the same time you don't want the dead wait. If they were never going to take action, be thankful they cut the rope. Getting your leads takes time, energy and effort, oh, and of course, cash. So why not do the proper follow up to monetize them? Many of us assume that we got them to opt-in and they are getting our autoresponders, if they aren't converting, well, they just aren't good leads. But is this true? Or are we not meeting their needs?In addition to our regular autoresponders, we should be doing 2 to 3 broadcast messages a week. These broadcast messages should hit on the five senses:Hear
SeeAn example would be, When I was a small child, I was extremely sick one Christmas eve and distinctly remember my mother rubbing my back to comfort me. Rubbing my back, feeding me warm chicken noodle soup while sipping sweet 7 up through a bendy straw. Then placing a cool wash cloth on my forehead to help my temperature while praying I would feel better in time for Santa Clause.If you have children, you could tie this into something that relates to you today. If it is a holiday and your child was ill, you could talk about you as a child being ill and how well your mother cared for you. The importance of the memory has helped you pass down similar actions toward your children. This hits them deep in their heart. This is about personal branding, no one will know you unless you tell them.In the email, you could have a picture of you taking care of your daughter/son and title it, Kodak Moment of a Special Memory (plus random stuff). This shows them they will see a great photo and also says other content will be present. This would be business "stuff". The social proof, i.e pictures and videos, are pertinent for personal branding. If people know you're a real person and your "whys" are for your family, they can identify with that. They also respect it and what to be part of it.Variety is also extremely important. Some people like videos, while others like articles, while another group likes pictures and yet another group likes webinars. We have to make sure we switch it up, otherwise we are leaving money on the table. No top earner does that!Find out what the structure of the email should look like in Part 3.

