
How to Reach Black Diamond Status Just Like Brig Hart

Recently, Brig Hart has come into possession of a new car. That car just happens to be a Mercedes Benz. For those who do not know, Brig Hart is a very prominent man who is a MonaVie distributor. So how did he earn a Mercedes Benz? We'll take a look at what he did to earn it.Brig Hart does have talent. He wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His success is due to being a business savvy man who knows how to network. More importantly he knows how to get into contact with people and keep them in his web. He's more subtle than brusque.That subtlety has brought him a 7 figure income. Hart Brig's life is filled with strife. He was in the armed forces and had to pay for school out of his own pocket. You can find this out on his website.The internet is a big part of networking. With a single website one can attract millions of people. The internet is definitely a huge plus for Brig Hart and his lovely wife Lita.The Network Marketing industry is a tough industry. You must come across as a human being, you must show characteristics that identify you as someone who not only knows what they're doing, but also who has faced trouble and lived through it. People will connect with one more willingly if they sense a unit is there. Reaching out and connecting with people is the true test in the industry.Not only must one bring in his own countrymen, but one must also bring in everyone. All people of all nationalities must be welcome. Brig Hart has obviously done this, as his success shows.Hart has ushered in a new are of Marketing. Back in the old news you would have to slowly network and build your contacts through personal relationships. Now you can build contacts through the internet and expansion.The final key component to success in the industry is charisma. One can have many products and services, as Hart does, but one must also have the ability and skill to make people want to come in and stay.

