
Legitimate Home Business Opportunities Can Be Fun and Lucrative - Well, Maybe Just a Few

With the advent of internet attraction marketing, network marketing has changed for the better. Attraction marketing is a much more professional way to market what legitimate home business opportunities have to offer. But internet marketing comes with a heavy price. I'm not necessarily talking about dollars and cents. I'm talking about the time and difficulty in learning and implementing internet marketing.If you are promoting home business opportunities, you should not rely on a company's replicator website. You must also generate your own leads. The first thing you must do is set up a niche or target market. You must determine what group of people you are talking to. This must be a narrowly defined market. It should be small enough that there is not a lot of competition. But it should also be large enough that it has good income potential.After determining what market you will address, you must become very familiar with the people in that market. This takes hours of research. You must determine their needs and their unanswered questions. Your entire marketing campaign must be designed to address these issues.What does your marketing campaign consist of?You must first establish a focal point for your campaign - either a blog or website. Search engines like blogs since they are constantly being updated. The blog must provide education information to the reader. A blog is a great way to generate your own leads and build your list of prospects. To do this, you must put a capture page on your blog. The capture page must be worded in a way that encourages your reader to enter their name and email address. In other words, they must opt in.In order to encourage your reader to opt into your site, you must generally offer something for free. This can be in the form of an eBook, a free report, a book, or something else that is of value. It's preferable that you write your own piece of content that you give away. After your prospects opt in, you must continue to communicate with them. To do this, you must write a series of emails or auto-responder messages that you send to them over a period of time. These messages should provide educational information as well as include offers related to your legitimate home business opportunities, your products, and services.The only way for your marketing system to work is to drive prospects to your blog. This can be done in various ways through the use of video and article marketing, comments on other blogs and forums, the use of Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace, and many other methods. It's preferable to contact your prospects by phone. It's not easy to build a relationship with your prospect and use a consultative approach to marketing. This must be learned through good training.I said earlier that achieving success using internet marketing comes at a heavy price. It takes many, many hours of training and work to set up your marketing system and get it working effectively. The failure rate of an internet marketer is still high. First, it takes much time to set up these various areas of marketing. Just setting them up does not ensure success. You must be a good copywriter. You must use good search engine optimization and properly use keywords, backlinks, etc.Everything is up to you. If your marketing system is set up but not generating leads or not making any sales, you must determine what is wrong with your system. If you can't afford to hire an expensive coach to help you, you must figure out what's wrong with your system and make changes. It's not easy. I've seen internet marketers work for months, even years, on their marketing system and still only make enough money to barely cover their monthly electric bill. I don't know about you. That's not good enough for me.I have a recommendation to make. There is a way to be hugely successful in internet marketing without having to learn and set up each area of your marketing campaign. You don't need to be responsible for generating your own leads and sales. There is a business that uses a "team" approach to marketing. All members work as a team. The team works together to make sure that everyone is successful.This doesn't mean that you can sit back, do nothing, and rake in the money. You must participate as a part of the team. You must help out in one area of the team marketing system. But it can be an area that you have an interest in. If you don't have experience in that area, you can learn from other team members. You are probably wondering. Is this a legitimate business? If it is as good as it sounds, does it really have high income potential? The answer is that it is one of the most lucrative, fun, legitimate home business opportunities available today.

