
How MLM & 7 Figure Top Tier Online Marketers Turn Their List Into Cash - Part 3 of 4

How exactly do they structure their emails they send to their list to ensure the highest conversions?The set up of the email, when the lead opens it, should automatically say something that relates to the title. Then you can delineate withNow place business information inside, keep the margins narrow and don't write more than 4 lines without a space between.You could discuss upcoming webinars and/or upcoming trainings. New articles or videos and give links to everything making them easily accessible.If you don't have spaces, it seems too bulky and difficult to read. Then when you are done talking business, show it by delineating again.After it shows the business "stuff" is over, you could put a little blurp about your business and how they can get additional information. Whether it is contacting you or your assistant with name, email and phone number.Then in your signature, be sure to include your real phone number. Normally no one really calls it, but there is something warm about seeing that they are just a phone call away. This builds trust.What is the most exciting thing to see at the end of a personal letter? The P.S.! This shows they have something exciting to say and people will often skip everything to read the P.S. first.So in your P.S. make it very personable. People that are reading this, text, write on Facebook, they know jargon, so don't be afraid to use it. This is a bonding time.You should send this broadcast out between 5-8am EST. You will have 5%+ open rate. If you normally have a 12% open rate, you might be at 17%. If you get a 25% open rate, the next day, check with Aweber or whatever autoresponder you use and ask them for the list of people who didn't open the email. Resend it to them. They didn't open it the first time so they don't know its the same one.For everyone else that did open it. A month later, change the title and restructure it, then send it out again. Leverage what works.If you are unsure whether or not you should do something in your business, think of the gurus and ask yourself if they would. If the answer is no, then you definitely shouldn't. If you don't model yourself after the gurus, how will you get their success?Personal branding is a large part of your networking business, however you don't want every broadcast email to be the same. The 2nd email should be more content driven.Find out how to make money off your list even if they don't join your opportunity in part 4.

