
The MLM Fallacy - Recruiting For Recruitment's Sake

When you start evaluating any business opportunity, such as a direct sales opportunity or an MLM, you've got to check for viability. That's just due diligence. If the business concept isn't something that works or is sustainable then you are highly unlikely to make money when you work that business, no matter how much hard work you put in. Your skills won't matter much either, nor will pumped up, hyped up enthusiasm brought to you by your local upline leader. It's like building a house on a crooked foundation. No carpenter can keep that house from eventually falling down.Have you ever noticed that many MLMs focus on selling products to members, who are then instructed to recruit other members? If you're ever told the real money is in recruiting, watch out. While it's absolutely great to have sales people who use and love their products, something is wrong when recruiting for the company becomes more important than selling the products for their own sake. No real business makes its money off of hiring employees-employees are part of the overhead, not part of the revenue.People often confuse direct sales companies with MLM, but a true direct sales company doesn't resemble this scheme at all. A true direct sales company basically pays you a commission on the sale of products to true consumers-people with their own jobs and lives who may have no interest in working for the company whatsoever. On this foundation, your ability to learn the systems of the business become much more vital to your success. While you might ultimately benefit from having a team working for and with you, getting a team isn't going to be your primary focus.In short, direct selling represents tried, true, and proven business techniques. You can apply actual sales skills to the process, rather than trying to rope everybody you know into the business. After all, if everyone in your neighborhood is suddenly in your MLM, then who is left to be a customer? Who is left to work other businesses in your neighborhood? Stick to selling high-demand products that stand on their own two feet.

