
The Real Secret To Financial Freedom On the Internet

What do you think is the real 'secret' to financial freedom online? It may not be what you think... No matter what business opportunity you are trying to sell, or what you are trying to sell online, when you really fully grasp what the secret is, your financial future will be set. You will always have monetary freedom and you are guaranteed an asset that will always be yours.I have noticed that lots of people in the Network Marketing industry, or online marketing, or in the home business area, tend to spend an enormous amount of energy on their 'merchandise' or their 'business opportunity,' and the promoting of the product or business opportunity becomes more important than promoting themselves -- that the product or opportunity is the important selling point, when that is not the case at all... the most important thing is actually themselves. You might actually have an exceptional business opportunity, but if you have not really developed yourself into somebody that is worth following and that people are going to really take value from, you will not be the type of person that others are attracted to. If you have been around network marketing for a bit, you may already know this, and you may have an understanding of the concept... that it is about 'personal development' and 'branding yourself', but what I want to share with you today is how you can take that concept of 'you' and build an asset that you will be able to have forever - even if your main business opportunity crashes tomorrow, it simply will not impact you - and that all-important asset is the personal network you create based upon the branding of you. Again, it is your Personal Network!Building your own personal network is so important, and it is the key to ensuring your financial independence online. A quote from one of my favorite entrepreneurs, Robert Kiyosaki, sums it up nicely: "Wealthy people build networks... Everyone else looks for work." The lesson from that quote is that if you work on building your own personal network, you will then have the ability to access that network at any time and do anything that you want to do, thereby creating financial freedom for yourself.Great, you may be saying, but what do you mean by a 'network?' Essentially, your network is your 'list,' which is what you create when you make friends on any of the social networks, like Facebook, Twitter, a blog, MySpace, etc. Using these ideas you can build your very own personal network, but you have to realize that making contacts on the social networks is not the end, you must then cultivate the relationships you develop. The relationships you build are the true leverage for your success. It is all about building your network and building your relationships with other like-minded people. When you develop the relationship with your network, the product or business opportunity you are promoting becomes non-important. People will join you and follow you because of you. And in order to attract and keep these people, you must give them value. If you want to attract and keep your network, you must give in order to receive. It is inevitable that the more value and benefit you provide, the more your network will grow, and as a result your potential to create wealth will grow.So, do not be so focused on your network marketing business or just selling your product, but focus instead on how to develop yourself and how to create your network as a result. This is how you can really create long lasting success for yourself, because it is all about you. you are who the people will choose to follow, and that is the big 'secret' to creating a successful business online and becoming financially free.You want to make sure you keep the focus on developing you, and do not let yourself get lured into the 'next big thing' to come along. you will end up getting scattered and inefficient and you will not be able to truly create the most important thing, you. Do not get caught up in the whirlwind... keep your focus on developing yourself, keep your focus on developing your network and make sure to cultivate your relationships with the individuals in your network. The secret is you. If you can develop you, then you can create your network. Once you realize this and implement it, you will have financial freedom.

