
If Network Marketing is So Good, Why Doesn't Everyone Join?

Now, this is one of the most common questions that you can get, if it is so good, then what doesn't everyone one get into network marketing. Now, first, I will start on the first type of person who does not get into network marketing. They are set in their ways, and they have been told, go to school get a good education and get a good job and put in 30-40 years and then you can retire with a home and a white picket fence. Now, in this economy and as the companies that have been downsizing, right sizing, optimizing or whatever terms companies will use to tell you they are purging the company of people that cost too much, are learning that this does not work.Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices, but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.Albert EinsteinI tell people, you have to adapt to change, in your job and in your life and in the world. If you don't, your future may be at risk. Technology changes and situations force us to change our playing hand often. How many times do you need to be let go out of a career to have to seek new employment before it is not working. I will say, some people in very influential positions in companies close to retirement, feel that they will be OK and they see the finish line. I applaud you if you make it. Another reason people do not get into network marketing is that people have all heard about that person that was unsuccessful in a networking plan and they feel that if that person did not make it, how could I. Well, you are a different person, with different motivations, educational experiences and job skills. If you look at traditional businesses, the majority fail in the first several years, yet more new businesses are opening up every year. They do not worry about the numbers, they know the desires in their hearts.Another reason people do not get started in network marketing is the fact that so many people are working 60-80 hours per week, and do not think they have the time. As I said in one of my other articles, sure you can not get rich quick, it takes time, but if it was an investment into future relief, would it be worth it or do you always want to work so many hours?Now, if you are buying into the "no one ever has been successful", "all network marketing businesses are scams", or "I do not have the time", are letting others persuade you and steal your chance of success based upon ignorant beliefs.

