
Want to Know How to Use Attraction Marketing? 1 Amazing Secret to Attraction in Business

So you want to use attraction marketing? I know how you feel-in fact when I stopped making money the traditional way of doing business and I did not know what I was going to do! I was freaked out a little.But, I have a secret for you...and here it is:I started using attraction marketing for myself and you can too!And guess what - more than 90% of people do not understand this type of marketing so you can be successful quicker than those who have been doing it longer than you.This is good news for you because if you learn how to do it you can use attraction marketing on any business you run. This can be good for us.I want you to consider this when you go to buy something can the sales person encourage you to purchase the product as well as discourage you, right or wrong? Traditionally a sales person starts selling you right after they say hello. And I understand why they do this! But just because they were trained that way doesn't make it right. Let me tell you the one secret that can help you like it helped me!What is it, you ask? It is this.....Sincere Assistance. Nobody wants to be sold BUT everyone wants to buy. This can be accomplished in multiple ways.1. Offer information that is helpful and valuable without mentioning your product or service.2. Do not beat them over the head with statistics and benefits that they didn't ask about.This is typical in traditional network marketing.Warning. Do not ignore the above if you want to attract versus repel people from you.

