
Do You Get What You Pay For?

One complaint I often hear about products from MLM companies is, "they are too expensive." So I would like to examine what makes a product worth the price.What makes people willing to pay a higher price than they have seen elsewhere?
Great customer service
Knowledge of the seller
Helps them achieve an important goal
Supporting a friend or local business owner
What is great customer service? I think of it as going out of your way to do what is right for the customer. You listen to them, and make sure they order the product that best meets their needs. You listen politely to any complaints and do your best to resolve them. You let the customer know when there is a sale, and when there are new products.Knowledge of the seller simply means they understand what the product is and how to use it properly, or they can get answers when they don't know. They can recommend the right product, or products that work together.A good example of paying more to achieve a goal is the whole idea of portion-controlled foods. Even though the 100-calorie packs and individual frozen meals may be more expensive, it helps people lose weight, maintain their weight, and improve their health so they pay the higher price.While nobody wants to pay an extremely high premium, often people will pay a bit more to support someone they know or to keep their money in their community.Would any of this matter if you were buying rubber bands? Not much! Why?
You know how to use them
You already know what size you need
There is nothing really unique about them
They aren't likely to help you achieve an important goal
They are a low-priced item not likely to make a big difference in a store owner's income
What about nutritional supplements and health and wellness products?
There are many potential reasons to use them
Sometimes a combination of them works best for your needs
Some are very unique
They can help you feel better and control your weight
There is a substantial profit margin if the quality is good
Do you see the difference? Some products are not a good fit for the MLM business model. You don't hear people talking about how rubber bands or paper clips changed their life. I have never heard anyone recommend one brand over another. You can buy them in many types of stores. There is just nothing about that type of product that demands great customer service or product knowledge and it won't normally make or break a business.However, health products, skin care, and cosmetics are all products that can make a huge difference if you select the proper ones and use them correctly. They are a perfect fit for word-of-mouth marketing and one-on-one customer service. If you buy these items at a discount store, does the cashier really care if you got the right product to meet your needs? Many of them have probably never used the product and know nothing about it. They can't let you sample the products. If you have a question, who would they call? They wouldn't want you to hold up the line waiting for an answer anyway (and neither would the people behind you.)I will admit there are some MLM companies that charge outrageous prices for their products, but not all do. If you find their products for sale at a discount on other websites, they are overpriced. But if the price is slightly higher than the discount store or drug store and you get personal service, product knowledge, and the opportunity to help a local independent business owner succeed, is it worthwhile?Only you can answer that question!

