
Essante Review - Is Mike Wenniger's Vision of Organic Products the Wave of the Future?

This Essante review is designed to offer a clear vision of what kind of opportunity this company presents to any home business owner that's really looking for a better way to not only make money, but a better way to live as well.It all starts with Michael Wenniger the CEO and founder of Essante Worldwide who is really a business visionary and has many extraordinary accomplishments to his resume. Essante translated from French means, "The essence of total health" and health doesn't just stop at the physical with Michael. It relates to the financial, physical, emotional and spiritual well being. This isn't something he's committed to, it's something he's absolutely passionate about.My encounter with Michael was by coincidence. Upon returning the call of a lead I had generated it was Michael on the other end of the phone, so this review comes more from personal experience than anything else. This man being committed to his cause and his company is an understatement to the highest degree. Never, and I mean never, have I spoken to a company leader who has more passion and vision for his company, products and people than Michael. If you've spoken to him personally, you know exactly what I mean.The PhilosophyThe company philosophy is to create and provide true green healthy living alternatives to the chemically filled products that people use every day. From what we ingest to what we put on our body, the vision of providing the first and best truly organic and wildcrafted products to be distributed on a world wide basis is Mr. Wenniger's vision and frankly, this is a man that says what he means and does what he says.The ProductsThe company first came on the scene with power pops. Touted as an all natural weight loss product that was easy to consume, all you had to do was to suck on a lollipop and lose weight. By attacking the huge weight loss market, the company made a name for itself with these all natural synergistic herbal blended pops that made losing weight possible for the masses by suppressing your appetite in a simple and convenient way.Since then, the product line has expanded greatly through products that alkalize your system, organic skin care, organic spa products, superfood protein products and more. Again, the commitment is to provide all organic alternatives for your body inside and out. Pretty challenging if you consider what's required to research and test these claims.The OpportunityThe pay structure is a binary pay plan. This is where you have two legs under you that you need to build. If you're fortunate enough to have business builders above you, you may receive spillover on one leg and just need to build the other cutting your organizational growth job in half.While binary programs have tremendous income producing potential to build income to infinity, they also have the same challenges as many other pay structures. On the plus side your income isn't limited to the size of some matrix pay structure. On the downside, you still need to be a business builder. Nothing happens without action.My ConclusionEssante worldwide has the products, the leadership and the global scope to be a business that any forward thinking networker should take a look at. With all of the marginal opportunities on the scene, this one is ahead of the pack in many, many ways and is extremely well funded to stand the test of time.That being said, taking action is the biggest hurdle for any networker. Your target market is other network marketers and building an organization in the fastest way possible is your goal. How do you go about it?The SystemAny networker in today's market that wants to be successful knows that you can't go out and do old school sponsoring of doing home parties and talking to friends or family to build a business. This business has evolved way beyond that concept. If you think that's fun, by all means keep it up, but you're missing the boat on how you can take a program like Essante and really build a huge income using the leverage of the internet.Your goal, no your mission, should be getting acquainted with all of the online tools to become a master at lead generation and affiliate marketing so that you have multiple sources of income while building your business that generates leads for your business at the same time.A lead generating funnel system takes time to learn and put into place, but the few months of learning will provide you with a lifetime of income for any opportunity you pursue. It allows you to build credibility in the marketplace and to position yourself as a leader instead of a follower in the networking business and that's your ultimate goal.

