
These Network Marketing Leads Are the Most Targeted of All MLM Leads For Your Home Business

The most targeted network marketing leads are people who are searching for your company.Think about how targeted those type of MLM leads are: - They already know about your company and they are interested;- They know about network marketing and may have previous experience;- And they are looking for the right person to partner with to build a business.So you definitely want them to find your web site when they search for keywords related to your company.When they find your web site in the top ten search listing, that gives you credibility in regard to your Internet marketing skills. You can use PPC ads and SEO Strategies to position yourself in front of your targeted Network Marketing leads.The most commonly searched phrases in regard to your company are:"Company name review(s)" - They are looking for more information and for leaders."Company name scam" - They are looking for negatives about the company."Company name compensation plan" - They are looking to see how they can make money.Use the Google free keyword tool first to see different keywords that are related to your company name (Just Google "Google keyword tool" to find the tool)Using a MLM lead system, create custom capture pages that provide information that is relevant for your company.For example, you can use a headline like "Who is YOUR NAME and how can you grow a Massive COMPANY NAME Business From Their Marketing Secrets?" You can position yourself as an "Insider", with information that they need to make an informed decision about the product and business opportunity.The video on the capture page should speak to their greatest need, which is most likely about how are they going to market the product and business.Then invite them to get more information by entering their contact information.- Be sure to get their phone number, because they are highly targeted.- The right people will leave a valid phone number.- Then call them ASAP with no pressure to join, but simply to ask how you can help them.Once they opt in: They will be taken immediately to a Success Page that gives them more information and the opportunity to join your company. On the success page, make sure that you include your phone number under your signature and include a picture to help them connect with you. Your email autoresponder system will automatically follow up with them and send them more information, each time giving them the opportunity to contact you and join.The great part about having a MLM lead generator system like this is that the RIGHT PEOPLE will call you.And the more traffic you can generate, the more leads you will get and the more people will call you, which sure beats chasing after family and friends.

