
A Successful Networking Business - The Primary Element

Open any home business magazine, newsletter, or article; login to any internet marketing or network marketing website, forum, or discussion board, and you'll find a myriad of countless opinions and perspectives regarding how to create a successful work at home or networking business. There is a ton of information covering everything imaginable: from web design, copywriting, sales letters...to autoresponders, joint venture partner opportunities, and social media marketing.In our frenzied, information-overloaded, stressed-out lives, we are so frantic and anxious to stay up with the "latest and greatest" pre-launches, products, software, internet marketing techniques, and on and on, that we seem to forget why we are doing all of this in the first place and who's lives we are impacting in the interim.When asked what motivates people to start a home business, although there are some unique responses, the more common replies include: wanting more time freedom, money, a house, a new car, college tuition for the kids, etc. etc.Starting a home business can be fun but it certainly isn't for the faint of heart. Let's call a spade a spade. It requires persistence, commitment to one's goals, focus, patience and perseverance, hard work, and time. And depending on what business you chose, it can also cost a significant amount of money, for example buying a well-known franchise.So what determines success in networking or a work at home business? Perhaps a better question would be: What sustains success? Argueably, it's not the product or service your company provides. Companies and business opportunities come and go all the time.If one were to remove all of the extraneous factors, what is left to consider? Yes, you. You are the key factor, the constant in our hypothetical equation. And let's dig a little deeper. Can just anyone be successful in this highly competitive business? I think we'd all agree: "no." What qualities predict success in network marketing? What is the primary element absolutely essential to establish and maintain a successful networking business or mlm network marketing business? I'll tell you. It's integrity.Out of the thousands of business opportunities available today, which one should you choose? There's lots of practical criteria to weed through including the business model, compensation plan, etc. etc. but ask yourself this question: Is the company itself - as well as the product or service I will be offering to people - based on integrity? Is it something I will be proud to represent? Does the company share my moral principles? Are the products and services and the company's mission based on the virtues important to me, such as honesty, fairness, and trustworthiness?If one subscribes to the idea of "attraction marketing" or "magnetic marketing", what makes one person more attractive than another? Integrity. Zig Ziglar proposed the idea of putting other's needs ahead of your own in order to get what you want. Bob Burg said "The most successful networkers, who receive tons of referrals and feel truly happy about themselves, continually put the other person's needs ahead of their own."If you want people to "know you, like you, and trust you," and be eager to join you in your business, you must have integrity. You must exemplify sincerity, honesty, trustworthiness, and truthfulness. You won't automatically get people to like or trust you just because you smile at them and give them information about networking. You have to earn their trust and respect, just as you do in any relationship. Demonstrate you truly care about their success by putting their needs ahead of your own. Go the extra mile to help them. Have integrity. Then you'll experience massive success in your business and get all the things you want, too.

