
Are You a Part-Timer in MLM?

The majority of people who are in an MLM opportunity also have a "day job". In fact, Tom "Big Al" Schreiter recently wrote an article on his website about when to leave your day job, and his advice is not to leave too soon!When trying to decide if your MLM business is paying you enough to quit your traditional job, you must remember several things:
Your MLM check does not have taxes withheld
You must pay for your own medical insurance
You have some expenses in your business that you need to cover
There will be some variability in commissions that you might not have had in your day jobIf you own a traditional business you are already facing these issues but if you work for someone else, keep these in mind.Now, how do you manage your time to do your job well and still grow your business? My husband had a job many years ago, just out of high school, where he was testing air conditioners. He was locked in a special environmentally-controlled and soundproof room all day. Nobody was allowed to enter. All he had to do was take a few readings hourly. Looking back, he thinks that would have been the best time to attend college at night since he could do homework and study all day. I look at that job and think, "man what a great job if your are building an MLM team!"My part-time job has advantages too:
It is part time, only 3 days a week, so I have 4 days off every week
I get over 2 hours for lunch and can be home in 5 minutes
I don't have to leave the house until 8:15 and get home around 6
I have "down time" throughout the day
I have Internet access and can do things online during my "down time"
My boss understands MLM and doesn't mind me doing a few things while thereOf course, I know that many people don't have it this good! But what can you do in a more traditional job?One lady I know does lab work all day and doesn't have to talk to people very much. She downloads educational conference calls to her iPod and listens to them during the day. You can also use commuting time to do this. Since I have a short commute, I use the time in my car to recite my affirmations to program my subconscious mind. I sometimes listen to educational CDs while running errands.Even if you can't go home for lunch, can you get to a computer with Internet access or use a smart phone during lunch or other breaks? You can be on social media sites from that smart phone, or blogging or writing articles from the computer! Even if you have to bring a laptop to work, if your office has WIFY you could get tons of things done on your breaks. And of course you can call people on your cell phone. Just don't get caught doing these things when you are supposed to be working! You cannot let the quality of your work slide because you are building a business.Here is another fun idea I got from Tom's fortunenow website. There is a short book entitled "How To Get Rich Without Winning the Lottery" and you can get them on his site. This book describes several wealth-building strategies, with a heavy emphasis on network marketing. If you own your own business, you can certainly put your contact information in a book and leave it on a table in your waiting area. If someone shows interest, tell them they can borrow it and get a commitment for them to bring it back (so you can ask what they thought of it!) If you work for someone else this might be tricky, but you could write your name inside the cover if everyone knows you, and leave a copy on your desk. If your manager asks, tell them it is your personal copy, and you can put it away if necessary. Maybe you could also leave a copy in the restroom, or the coffee room, or the lunch room. Read the book on break in a location where people can see you. Maybe you can put your full contact information in it and leave it somewhere around town?I hope I gave you a few new ideas! Time management is an important skill, especially when juggling a job and a business.

