
Can You Successfully Build More Than One Network Marketing Company?

Is it a good idea to be distributor for more than one MLM company? Logic would suggest that it is. Today there are many network marketing companies that fail. Some companies are illegal and are shut down by the government. Some companies must go through massive restructuring to survive. Just last week, a publicly traded company terminated it's MLM pay plan in favour of direct sales because it couldn't afford to pay both the investors and the distributors at the same time.Some network marketing company owners just plain have no integrity. They start out as a network marketing company to save money on advertising and get all of their distributors to take the risk in putting their name out there. Once they have enough customers, they just terminate the pay plan when they feel like it. Trust me, this has happened.Company failures, shutdowns, restructuring, changes to the compensation plan, all of these things affect distributors adversely. Not to mention that some companies state in their policies and procedures they can terminate your distributorship at any time without reason and keep the downline you've built for them.So logic would dictate that to minimise your risk of these things adversely affecting you, you should opt for multiple streams of income and participate in several network marketing opportunities at once. That way, if one of your opportunities goes down, you'd still be getting income from the others.Uh...no.What you end up with is not multiple streams of income, rather multiple streams of outgo. If you're one of these guys who's signed up to multiple MLM deals, how's that working for you? (I want to know, please leave me a comment.) How much money are you making from each of them?A short time ago, I was prospected by a nice lady and she told me that she offers her prospects multiple MLM deals. This lady and her husband have built large organisations in several companies before, but her "new" way of business is sponsoring her prospects into up to 6 different MLM businesses at a time.This was her reasoning for doing business this way..."No one company will satisfy all of yours or your customers' needs. Your customers are more likely to stick with you if you offer them a range of good quality products and services." And this is exactly the reason why most people will fail if they decide to build their business this way.Why?Firstly, network marketing IS NOT a product business. If you want to be a one-stop-shop for all of your customers, that's fine, but that's not what network marketing is about. Network marketing is a relationships business. Quality products and pay plans are here to facilitate business, but your job is to focus on building relationships.Secondly you're not focused. Your time, money and energy is dissipated in trying to promote several unrelated products and services that you don't really know all that well. One of the programs you promote might be a real winner that could make you ultra successful if you focused on it, but the others duds are sapping just as much of your energy and you go backwards.Thirdly is how your customers perceive you. If you show any signs of ambiguity to your customers and prospects, you will drive them away. You ruin your quality perception, nobody will remember your brand and nobody will take you seriously because you're weak everywhere and strong nowhere.Specialising is quality. That's why specialty hand bag stores can charge much more for hand bags, specialty sports shoes stores can charge much more for sports shoes. And it's why at Target or Kmart you can't buy brand name items because they don't want that cheap image. In my opinion, you are far more likely to have success if you do your homework and find a high quality opportunity with good people, a good pay plan and good systems.What about those risks that I talked about earlier?Well, that's why you need to do your due diligence with a fine-tooth-comb for anything that you promote, and be confident that good people are in charge.

