
I Want to Get Into a Good Network Marketing Company - There Are So Many, Which One Do You Recommend?

What is the best network marketing company? Now, this is one of the most loaded question and I feel all network marketers should share the views in recommending any company. Now, I am in a family of 5, and if I asked each one, which was the best company each of the 5 would tell me the same answer. Now, if each person was in a different business, how could everyone say that their business is the best?It is just like favorite food, hobbies, careers, and friends. We all have different tastes, and everyone would be correct for them, because it is just their opinions. You have to find the business that meets your tastes and that will be the best one for you. But, like I said, network marketers will tell you that their business is the best, why? So that you join then and they can see their business grow. But when someone does this, often times it that it is not the one that gets the person motivated and they drop out after losing money.Here are the factors to consider:
Is it regulated by the Direct Sellers Association. Now this is not necessarily a show stopper because many companies are not. Younger and smaller companies are generally the ones not with the DSA.
What are your country regulations on the company. Some cases the company has to comply to the laws and could be a factor on the joining fees and what they must and must not do.
If you are being paid for people to start in the business, then I would think twice. Now, some start ups are build around a sign up cost, and some of the product, and yes you should only be paid on the product portion of the enrollment and all future product purchases.
When you sign up, how much are you maintaining as an inventory? In an enrollment, I would ask what and how much will I be getting and is it for me to use or is it something the next person I sign up will need. You do not need to carry an inventory. PERIOD. If so, they are hoping you get stuck with it.
Make sure the product is a good value and you believe in your heart that it is the best product. Remember, you will be promoting this. If you do not believe in the product, then this is not the business for you. I would get on the product or service before you start the business.
Make sure they have a training plan. Now, you will find that in all companies, the training often becomes pep rallies. What the companies provide will be market knowledge and product knowledge. There is not one company out there that provides training on how to build a business. When you select a company, find someone who will train you on that business on how to market. There are some companies that will try to get you to sign up for their training to become marketers for them, you do not want someone who wants train you to promote a product you do not care about.
Companies that have been around a couple years or more, but is not always important. This goes along with the first bullet, new companies with new marketing plans can be good, but look for the basis of what the company is doing.
Here is a big one, can someone make money with out signing someone up with the company? This means gaining customers is a key. If you can't then you may not want the company.
Last but not least, does the company have a product that causes a good residual income. Is it something people have to buy and will want to buy every month. If you have to always find new customers to make money, then run.
Now, this is a good basis of things to look out for, but ultimately you have to rely on your gut feelings. What you believe and feel are probably what is most important. Do not sign up in something because someone else tells you that it is the best decision for you. Most companies tell you to talk to friends and families, do not let them influence you. If you come to the same answers and want to join them, then it is a good move.

